The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Getting Acquainted with The Secret Doctrine


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get to know the masterpiece that ushered in the new age

About the Course

First published in 1888 The Secret Doctrine introduced the late Victorian era to the esoteric ideas behind the religions of the world and ushered in the New Age. It aimed to show that Nature is not a fortuitous concurrence of atoms, to put humanity in its rightful place in the scheme of things, and 'to rescue from degradation  the archaic truths which are the basis of all religions'.

Twelve chapters include: An Overview of The Secret Doctrine; How it was Written and How to Study it; The Three Fundamental Propositions; H.P.B.’s Recapitulation of Six Points; Notes on Volume II; and Other Approaches to the study of The Secret Doctrine.

The whole essence of truth cannot be transmitted from mouth to ear, nor can any pen describe it … unless man finds the answer in the sanctuary of his own heart, in the innermost depths of his divine intuitions (S.D., 2:516)


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