Printed copies available on request

Theosophy and Islam
Transmission of knowledge, the types of knowledge, and the notion of brotherhood

The Essentials of Theosophy — John Algeo
John Algeo's in-depth analysis of the essentials.

Theosophy and Science
Where do they meet, and where do they part company?

Yoga. A Study and a Practice
Types of Yoga and the goal of Yoga: an overview for beginners.

The Spirit of the Theosophical Society
Printed copy available on request

The Art of Meditation
From the monkey mind to inner peace: an overview for beginners.

The Theosophical Society. What is it all About?
The benefits of membership, the meaning of the emblem and more.

The Human Journey: Birth, Death, Karma… and Reincarnation?
Printed copy available on request

Release into Light. Meditations for those who Mourn
Elevating thoughts to lift the spirit in times of loss.

Is Psychism the Same as Spirituality?
Clairvoyance, the soul and the psyche: towards a better understanding.

H.P. Blavatsky and Her Writings
Printed copy available on request

Theosophy: Revisiting the Ancient Wisdom
The teachings in Egypt, India and Greece then and now

Theosophy and the Zeitgeist
John Algeo's insight into the spirit of our times.

Theosophy and Christianity
A hidden wisdom underlies them both.