The older classical texts and modern expositions
Essays and writings on the subject of art and spirituality.
Life-affirming books by David Bohm, Ramana Maharshi, Aldous Huxley and others
A selection of books and essays on science and spirituality.
The Mahatma Letters
An extensive collection of texts revealing the meaning of The Mahatma Letters.
Explore the wisdom of mythology through the writings of Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, and others.
Discover a range of books that explore the topic of ecology and spirituality.
World Religions
A wide range of books and texts covering many different religions.
Reincarnation and Karma
Everything you need to know about the Wheel of Rebirth and the law of karma.
Healing and Energy Fields
Several books on the benefits of transpersonal healing and more.
Psychic Research / Anomalous Mental Capacities
A collection of books covering anomalous mental capacities
The Work of the Theosophical Society
A small collection of books covering the work of the society.
The Theosophical Society: History and Biographies
Explore our range of Theosophical histories and biographies.
Academic Works Related to Theosophy
Books on Blavatsky, Theosophy and the Esoteric Tradition
Dictionaries and Glossaries
Various books to aid the serious Theosophist.
The Secret Doctrine
Discover more information about Blavatsky’s masterwork on theosophy.
Death and Dying
A collection of texts exploring the topic of death.
Introduction to Theosophy
Open your mind with this collection of texts relating to Theosophy
A varied selection of books on the subject of Meditation.
Yoga Philosophy
For those interested in the science of yoga and its varied practices.
Further Studies
Enhance your understanding of Theosophy with this far reaching bibliography.