The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistGod is Phosphorusanon Ed.y1881v2-Augustp241
The TheosophistHindu Prophets & AstrologersJamshedji Dorabji Khandalewalay1881v2-Augustp242
The TheosophistManners & Customs of the AryansPrasanno Coomar Deyy1881v2-Augustp244
The TheosophistTo the Himalayan Brothers (vf)Sohrabji J Padshahy1881v2-Augustp245
The Theosophistobituary - Shraddha Ram of Phillore, June 24thanony1881v2-Augustp245
The Theosophist[New Saint canonized] (rprnt Pioneer)anony1881v2-Augustp246
The Theosophistobituary & summary of life - Maximilien Paul Emile LittréHPBy1881v2-Augustp246
The TheosophistTalmage's "Latest" (Dr Rev T de Witt Talmage (1832-1902)) (rprnt Glasgow Weekly Mail)anony1881v2-Augustp246
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notes (in Paragraph Flashes)anon (HPB)y1881v2-Augustp246
The TheosophistThe KnephMasoic Hermit 32y1881v2-Augustp246
The TheosophistParagraph Flashes from the Four Quartersvariousy1881v2-Augustp246
The Theosophist[a Rev A. Hatchard debate on Christianity] (Besant & Bradlaugh mentioned) (rprnt Harbinger of Light)anony1881v2-Augustp246
The Theosophist[Brute Force] (rprnt Platonist)anony1881v2-Augustp247
The Theosophist["Duties" of the New Dispensation: forgiveness & chastisement]anon (HPB)y1881v2-Augustp247
The Theosophist[novel Spider Barometer in a spider's web] (rprnt Religio-Philosophical Journal)anony1881v2-Augustp248
The TheosophistA Very Efficient Medium (rprnt Dubuque (Iowa) Herald, Feb 18th)anony1881v2-Augustp248
The Theosophista "Scotch Wake"a correspondenty1881v2-Augustp248
The TheosophistThe NY Theosophical SocietyWilliam Quan Judge (1851-1896)y1881v2-Sept+p1
The TheosophistThe Ionian Theosophical SocietyOtho Alexandery1881v2-Sept+p1
The Theosophista new "Anglo-Indian Branch"; Eclectic TS (Simla) [notice of formation; list of officers]anony1881v2-Sept+p1
The TheosophistPrayag TS (Allahabad) [charter issued; land bought to build a Theosophical Hall]anony1881v2-Sept+p1
The TheosophistOur Branches - A New "Anglo-Indian Branch"AO Humey1881v2-Sept+p1
The TheosophistThe Bombay Theosophical SocietyMartandrow B Nagnathy1881v2-Sept+p1
The TheosophistOur Ceylon Workanony1881v2-Sept+p2
The TheosophistThe Saffragam Perehara of 1881 (rprnt Ceylon Times)anony1881v2-Sept+p2
The TheosophistThe Colombo Theosophical Societyanony1881v2-Sept+p2
The TheosophistGalle TS (Galle, Ceylon) [election of office-bearers Aug. 8, 1881]anony1881v2-Sept+p2
The Theosophistobituary - Baron Jules Denis du Potet (1796-1881)anony1881v2-Sept+p3
The Theosophist"The origin of the Perahera festival is unknown in Ceylon." Editor's Note [to The Saffragam Perehara of 1881]anon (HPB)y1881v2-Sept+p3
The TheosophistThe Theosophist, Bombay, September 1st, 1881Editory1881v2-Septemberp251
The TheosophistOur Third Yearanon Ed.y1881v2-Septemberp251
The TheosophistIamblichos: A Treatise on Mysteries (2) (rprnt Platonist)Alexander Wildery1881v2-Septemberp252
The Theosophistfootnotes to "Iamblichos: A Treatise on the Mysteries"(HPB)y1881v2-Septemberp252
The TheosophistA Welcome Journal - The Platonist (of St Louis, ed by TM Johnson)anon Ed.y1881v2-Septemberp253
The TheosophistThe Mother-land of Nations (2)Mirza Moorad Alee Begy1881v2-Septemberp254
The TheosophistHindus in Javaanon Ed.y1881v2-Septemberp256
The TheosophistA Good Chance for Indian Cotton Menanony1881v2-Septemberp256
The Theosophist"The Claims of Occultism" (rprnt Light)HP Blavatskyy1881v2-Septemberp258
The TheosophistTheosophy & Spiritualism (rprnt Spiritualist)CC Masseyy1881v2-Septemberp260
The TheosophistThe Study of the OccultOnesimusy1881v2-Septemberp260
The Theosophist[an Eastern Proverb, quoted]anony1881v2-Septemberp261
The TheosophistAntiquity of the Vedas (2)Krishna Shastri Godboley1881v2-Septemberp262
The TheosophistA Novel View of the Theosophists - extracts from a Spiritualistic Weeklyanony1881v2-Septemberp264
The TheosophistMiraclesanon Ed. (HPB)y1881v2-Septemberp266
The TheosophistStray Thoughts on ChristianityGeorge Heath Crichtony1881v2-Septemberp268
The TheosophistA Buddhist CatechismAllan O Humey1881v2-Septemberp270
The TheosophistEast Indian Materia Medica (8)Pandurang Gopaly1881v2-Septemberp271
The TheosophistStrange ApparitionsNDKy1881v2-Septemberp273
The TheosophistComments on "Strange Apparitions"(HPB)y1881v2-Septemberp273
The TheosophistWill-Power - its efficacyanony1881v2-Septemberp274
Showing 801 to 850 of 211352 entries