The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

All entries

The TheosophistAntiquity of the Vedas (5)Krishna Shastri Godboley1881v3-Decemberp72
The TheosophistA Pious "Fiasco"anony1881v3-Decemberp74
The Theosophist("Weird Phenomena", comments)(HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp75
The TheosophistThe Grand Inquisitor, an extract from "The Brothers Karamazof" (2)M Dostoevskyy1881v3-Decemberp75
The TheosophistWeird PhenomenaRam Das Seny1881v3-Decemberp75
The TheosophistIs Creation Possible for Man?H.y1881v3-Decemberp79
The TheosophistOur Answer [to "Is Creation Possible for Man?"]Ed. (HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp79
The TheosophistThe Theosophists (rprnt Light)Gerald Massey (1828-1907)y1881v3-Decemberp80
The TheosophistEditor's Note[Ed.] (HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp81
The TheosophistA New Steameranony1881v3-Decemberp82
The TheosophistParagraph Flashes from the Four Quartersvariousy1881v3-Decemberp82
The TheosophistThe Pupil of Swami Dayanand at the Congress of Orientalists (Shyamaji Krishnavarman)anony1881v3-Decemberp82
The TheosophistSilver in sea-wateranony1881v3-Decemberp82
The TheosophistFaber's Talking Automatonanony1881v3-Decemberp83
The TheosophistThe Alleged discovery of the Aztec Mysteriesanony1881v3-Decemberp83
The TheosophistThe oldest man in the worldanony1881v3-Decemberp83
The TheosophistA New Thaumaturgistanony1881v3-Decemberp84
The TheosophistThe Crimes of Preachers in the United Statesanony1881v3-Decemberp84
The TheosophistCursing and Swearinganony1881v3-Decemberp84
The TheosophistA Posthumous Censureanony1881v3-Decemberp84
The TheosophistMiscellaneous Notesanon (HPB)y1881v3-Decemberp84
The Theosophist[A Bishop on the Secret Societies in Europe]anony1881v3-Decemberp85
The TheosophistInfidelity in Germanyanony1881v3-Decemberp85
The Theosophist[two remarkable hills (? ancient Temples) discovered in the Mangya Tungya range]anony1881v3-Decemberp86
The Theosophist[Jain fasting for 91 days] (rprnt Amrita Bazar Patrika)anony1881v3-Decemberp86
Psychic NotesThe Object of These Notes (is a knowledge of the fact on which spiritualists ... base their speculations)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p1
Psychic NotesPhenomenal Research (ignorant critics vs experienced investigators)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p2
Psychic NotesMr Fowler's Challenge to the Conjurers. L1000 to L100 - (from John Fowler)(editor) <em>Light</em>y1882v1i1Jan 2+p3
Psychic NotesFacts to be Kept in Mind (list of 57 names (from Light) of careful investigators)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p3
Psychic Notesfillers - Note - Business Notices - subscribersvariousy1882v1i1Jan 2+p3
Psychic Notes(Mr Stuart Cumberland declined the challenge ...)Ed. of <em>Light</em>y1882v1i1Jan 2+p3
Psychic Notesadvertisementsvariousy1882v1i1Jan 2+p4
Psychic NotesSéances in Calcutta (1) At a séance held at Mr Meugen's house, on Tuesday, Nov 29th, ... (John Williams)RHCy1882v1i1Jan 2p5
Psychic NotesSeances in Calcutta (1) At a seance held at Mr Meugen's house, on Tuesday, Nov 29th, ... (John Williams)RHCy1882v1i1Jan 2p5
Psychic Notes(On Sunday 20th November, a seance was held at Colonel Gordon's house at Howrah. Mr Eglinton was present.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p6
Psychic Notes(On Sunday 20th November, a séance was held at Colonel Gordon's house at Howrah. Mr Eglinton was present.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p6
Psychic NotesA Challenge (The conviction which can enable a man to deny should be the result of positive knowledge ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p6
Psychic NotesMesmerism (some Lstte Lancet ... the writer pleaded that there might be something in it)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p7
Psychic Notesfiller - (thou wilt not leave us in the dust)Tennysony1882v1i1Jan 2p8
Psychic NotesLtte The Theosophist - Is Creation Possible for Man?H.y1882v1i1Jan 2p8
Psychic NotesOur Answer (to H.)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v1i1Jan 2p8
Psychic NotesLtte Revue Spirite - (Davenport brothers) The Testimony of Another Conjuror on Spiritual PhenomenaE Jacobsy1882v2i2Jan 16+p3
Psychic Notes2 fillers - Note - Business Notices - subscribersvariousy1882v2i2Jan 16+p3
Psychic Notesadvertisementsvariousy1882v2i2Jan 16+p4
Psychic NotesScientists & Psychic Phenomena (for 33 years these psychic phenomena have been steadily increasing ...)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p9
Psychic NotesCredulity & Incredulity (There is as much ignorance often shown by incredulity as by credulity)(anon Ed. HPB AG)y1882v2i2Jan 16p9
Psychic NotesRev Canon Wilberforce (1) (rprnt Light - The Duty of the Church in respect to ... Spiritualism)Rev Canon Basil Wilberforcey1882v2i2Jan 16p10
Psychic Notes(Since the seance, which Peary Chand Mittra & his son had with Mr Eglinton ...) (Indian Mirror Jan 4 1882)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
Psychic NotesSeances in Calcutta (2) (The 2nd Seance at Col Gordon's house was a failure no manifestations occurring.)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
Psychic NotesSéances in Calcutta (2) (The 2nd Séance at Col Gordon's house was a failure no manifestations occurring.)anony1882v2i2Jan 16p11
Showing 1001 to 1050 of 211352 entries