The Theosophist | [Personal Item - re Mrs Anandbay Joshi] | HPB | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | Personal Items | various | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | [Mr Wang-Chin-Foo - a brief account of his life] | (Ed.) | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p6 |
The Theosophist | Note (to Dominique A. Courmes, Visit to Ceylon) | Ed. | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | A Strange Word Coined | Dr George Wyld | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | The Arya Samaj: Ed. Note [to "Special Telegrams: NWP Patriotic Association"] | Ed (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | (note re Mrs Anandbay Joshi) | Ed | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | Special Telegrams: NWP Patriotic Association (rprnt Indian Mirror) | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | Courmes, Dominique A. [Visit to Ceylon] (rprnt Times of Ceylon) | anon (Ed.) | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | Thoughts on the Metaphysics of Theosophy (selections) | S Sundaram Iyer | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p7 |
The Theosophist | The Shylocks of Lahore | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p9 |
The Theosophist | To Colonel HS Olcott | (members of the Behar TS) | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p11 |
The Theosophist | The Lahore Branch & other matters | HS Olcott | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p12 |
The Theosophist | Colonel Olcott upon the late riots | HS Olcott | y1883 | v4 | - | May+ | p12 |
The Theosophist | The Buddhist Movement in England | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p181 |
The Theosophist | To the "Dissatisfied" (Policy of the Theosophist) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p181 |
The Theosophist | The Theosophist, Madras, May, 1883 | Editor | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p181 |
The Theosophist | (We acknowledge, with thanks ...) (Buddhism) | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p182 |
The Theosophist | Medical Magnetism & The Healer Magnetic (1) | Seeta Nath Ghose | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p182 |
The Theosophist | Miscellaneous Notes | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p182 |
The Theosophist | footnotes to "Medical Magnetism & the Healer Magnetic" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p182 |
The Theosophist | The Chosen "Vessels of Election" (New Dispensations of Keshub Chander Sen) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p185 |
The Theosophist | The Tree of Meditation (Extract from Yoga Vashishtha) | J Laf | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p185 |
The Theosophist | Zoroaster & His Religion | Pestanji Dorabji Khandalevala | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p189 |
The Theosophist | Materialism & its Lessons (acc Prof Maudsley's) | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p189 |
The Theosophist | footnotes to "Zoroaster & his Religion" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p189 |
The Theosophist | Another "Fakir's Prophecy" | Sukuma Haldar | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p191 |
The Theosophist | Mystic Lore - Reading a sealed Envelope | P Sreenavass Row | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p192 |
The Theosophist | "Mrs W—————'s Narrative" | anon | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p192 |
The Theosophist | The Bugbears of (Modern) Science (3) (Yaeger's Neuralanalysis & Homoeopathy) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p193 |
The Theosophist | Fragments of Occult Truth (VIII) The Progress of Humanity | A Lay Chela | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p194 |
The Theosophist | Catechism of the Visishthadwaita Philosophy | A. Govinda Charlu | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p196 |
The Theosophist | Visishthadwaita Philosophy | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p196 |
The Theosophist | Theosophy & Religious Riots (in Ceylon, due to Christian Bigotry & Persecution) | anon (+ a note by the editor, HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p197 |
The Theosophist | The Magic of the New Dispensation (of Keshub Chander Sen) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p200 |
The Theosophist | Light Wanted (Ceremonies for Brahmanising lower Caste men) | KC Chatterjee | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p201 |
The Theosophist | Explanation wanted (Adwaita Philosophy of Almora Swami, his interpretation criticized) | A. Govinda Charlu | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p201 |
The Theosophist | The Seventeen-rayed Sun-disc | EG (+ a note by the editor, HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p202 |
The Theosophist | (reply to R Hartmann letter) | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p202 |
The Theosophist | Devachan (Explanations of Fragments of Occult Truth) | F Hartmann | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p202 |
The Theosophist | Kumarila Bhatta - Esoteric Meaning of Ahalya | AB | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p202 |
The Theosophist | A Mussulman Kumbum tree | Hardeva Beharee | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p203 |
The Theosophist | Do the Rishis exist? Sabhapati Swami's beliefs | Another Hindu Theosophist (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p203 |
The Theosophist | Another "Spiritual" Puzzle (Difficulties in the Question of Medium-ship) | EWW (+ an editor's note) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p203 |
The Theosophist | Comment on "Another Spiritual Puzzle" | (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p203 |
The Theosophist | Parabrahm Defined by Vedantins | Ramji Mall Pandit (+ a note by HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p204 |
The Theosophist | The Hindu Zodiac (2) | N Chidambaram Iyer | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p204 |
The Theosophist | A Sufi "Ghazal" or Ode | ENT | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p204 |
The Theosophist | The Religion of the Future | anon (HPB) | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p205 |
The Theosophist | Religious Brutality in Ceylon (William de Abrew FTS, a victim of Christian bigotry) | Y. | y1883 | v4 | - | May | p205 |