review: 'India's Living Traditions' ed by George S Arundale | Hannah B Corbett | y1938 | v26 | i5 | May | p120 |
obituary - Alice G Edmonston | anon | y1938 | v26 | i5 | May | p120 |
review: 'Racial Cleavage of The Seven Ages of Man' by Isabella M Pagan | W G Greenleaf | y1938 | v26 | i5 | May | p120 |
review: 'Education for Happiness' by George S Arundale | Hannah B Corbett | y1938 | v26 | i5 | May | p120 |
review: 'The Principles of Scientific Astrology' by William J Tucker | Charles E Luntz | y1938 | v26 | i5 | May | p120 |
Vistas Opening in Theosophy: The President's Closing Address to the Adyar Convention [reprint Adyar Daily News] | George S Arundale | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p121 |
Editorials | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p124 |
Theosophy and Happiness | Pieter K Roest | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p125 |
The World's Dire Need for a Scientific Manifesto: II [extract Theosophist 1938] | Bhagavan Das | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p126 |
Summer Sessions 1938: Convention, Summer School | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p129 |
Burn the Bonds! | Eugene J Wix | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p132 |
Culture and the Arts | H Douglas Wild (ed) | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p133 |
Development of the Intuition: Dishwater Politics | Evelyn B Bull | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p135 |
Theosophy in the Field | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p137 |
Theosophical News and Notes | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p139 |
The Liberal Catholic Church | Irving S Cooper | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p140 |
obituary - Estelle E Eshbach | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p142 |
obituary - Hallie Watters | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p142 |
obituary - Ada Ruso | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p144 |
review: 'The History of Great Light: Manual No 17' | Rene Parks MacKay | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p144 |
review: 'The Origin and Properties of the Human Aura' by Oscar Bagnall | FMP | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p144 |
review: 'Transcendental Magic' by Eliphas Levi trans by AE Waite | WW | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p144 |
review: 'Food Wise' by William L Abt | anon | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p144 |
review: 'Prelude to Peace' by Henry T Atkinson | W G Greenleaf | y1938 | v26 | i6 | June | p144 |
Love and Not-Love | Marie Poutz | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p145 |
H P Blavatsky on What is Theosophical? III | Mary K Neff (comp) | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p146 |
A Poet Speaks | Rene Parks MacKay | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p147 |
Editorials | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p148 |
Literature and the Sense of Wonder | Lillian Boxell | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p149 |
Convention Program, 1938 | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p156 |
Summer School Program, 1938 | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p157 |
What is Theosophy? | C Jinarajadasa | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p158 |
The Answer Is: Live Theosophy | Wilfred H Sigerson | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p159 |
The Secret Doctrine: Its Early History [extract Theosophical World 1938] | Josephine Ransom | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p161 |
Black Magic [reprint Starry Cross 1938] | Robert R Logan | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p162 |
Theosophy in the Field | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p163 |
The Life of Discipleship [reprint Theosophical Forum 1938] | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p165 |
Theosophical News and Notes | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p166 |
obituary - Ada Ruso | Wilfred H Sigerson | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p167 |
obituary - Netta E Weeks | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p167 |
review: 'The Golden Rules of Buddhism' by H S Olcott | Hannah B Corbett | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
review: 'Psychology and Religion' by Carl Gustav Jung | Rene Parks MacKay | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
review: 'An Outline of Understanding' by Bhupatrey Mehta and Rohit Mehta | LVM | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
Theosophy and Hebraism | Henry C Samuels | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
review: 'Star Dust' by C Hilda Pagan | anon | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
review: 'The Choice Before Us' by E Stanley Jones | MSC | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
review: 'Skeptic's Quest' by Hornell Hart | Hannah B Corbett | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
obituary - James H Talbot | L W Rogers | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
review: 'Saundary a Lahari, The Ocean of Beauty' by Pandit S Subrahmanya Sastri and T R Srinivasa Ayyangar | ES | y1938 | v26 | i7 | July | p168 |
Vistas - Summer Sessions, 1938 | H Douglas Wild | y1938 | v26 | i8 | August | p169 |