The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Search for Reality (W. Butler Yeats)Madeline Clark (L)y1955v5i1Octoberp24
filler - "Let those who have climbed the hill and seen the vision"A. Trevor Barker (L)y1955v5i1Octoberp29
Fruit After Its KindRaymond Rugland (L)y1955v5i1Octoberp30
filler - If there is uncharitableness, if there is disloyaltyWilliam Q Judge (L)y1955v5i1Octoberp32z+
filler - "Seek truth from thought"from the Persian (L)y1955v5i1Octoberp32
Man, The Immortal, EnduresGertrude Wyckoff (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp33
filler - "There is a new outlook abroad in human relationships."I Manuel Oderberg (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp35
The Hopi KachinasEloise Hart (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp36
filler - "No human being is without trouble"G de Purucker (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp40
The Vital Human DifferenceRichard H McFeely (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp41
The Wonder That Was WalesKenneth Morris (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp43
filler - "We can never be the better for our religion if our neighbors"William Penn (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp47
On the Paramitasvarious - round tablesy1955v5i2Novemberp48
FriendsDD Hoskins (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp55
The Frame of TimeAllan J Stover (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp56
Our Natural DutyHans Geer (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp59
Ltte - FloodClifton Meek (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp60
Magic FireHazel S Minot (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp62
filler - Universal brotherhood has no creedsKatherine Tingley (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp64z+
filler - "I remember an old story of a man"Reginald W Machell (L)y1955v5i2Novemberp64
Good King WenceslasMadeline Clark (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp65
And Even Greater ThingsFlorence Wickenburg (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp68
filler - "None can grow in the truest sense spiritually"Katherine Tingley (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp72
Carefully TaughtJohn S Hasbrouck (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp73
filler - "The soul has this proof of its divinity"Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp74
Friendship is a PassportJulien Bryan (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp75
They Also ServeKurt Reineman (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp77
filler - Death said, "The good is one, the pleasant another" from the Katha-Upanishadanon (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp79
The High Road of Servicevarious - round tablesy1955v5i3Decemberp80
ChristmasKenneth Morris (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp88
Molds of MindNellie M Davis (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp91
Constructive DaydreamsB Hagelin (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp92
Pattern for a FutureJean B Van Mater (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp94
Who Has Known Heights (vf)Mary Brent Whiteside (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp96z+
filler - "One sometimes wonders who it has been possible for Nature"Gertrude W Hockinson (L)y1955v5i3Decemberp96
The Eternal and the TransientJames A. Long (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp97
filler - "There are stars in the sky as well as thunder and lightning ..." (rprnt Bankers Trust ... of NY)anon (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp100
Adam and Eve in IndiaEloise Hart (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp101
"Be noble! and the nobleness that lies In other men, sleeping" (vf)James Russell Lowell (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp104
My Revolt Was ViolentFrances P Bolton (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp105
God of Good BeginningsHazel S Minot (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp107
The Eternal Is In ManReginald W Machell (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp109
filler - "I am hoping to create some kind of a normal giving existence."MRC (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp111
On Thoughts and Their Valuesvarious - round tablesy1956v5i4Januaryp112
The Ally of TruthConstance Hostler (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp120
filler - "As surgeons keep their instruments and knives"Marcus Aurelius (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp121
One Sunday SermonLeslie T Titchenell (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp122
World Religions - In FilmPhilip K Scheuer (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp124
filler - "As for the "shadows" we all have them."Bruce Buell (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp126
Squaring Our AccountsJohn Simons (L)y1956v5i4Januaryp127
Showing 751 to 800 of 6911 entries