The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


"Theosophy" Origins of the Termvarious - round tablesy1961v10i5Februaryp135
filler - "no man ... can be excused from practical service."Meister Eckhart (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp144
The Religion of an AgnosticPeter H Samsom (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp145
The Waiting GardenJohn P Van Mater (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp150
filler - "heavy responsibility rests upon the shoulders of scientific men"G de Purucker (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp157
Search for WisdomHG Lindemans (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp158
Morals and DogmaAlbert Pike (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp160y+
filler - If a person honestly desires to live to help all other menKirby Van Mater (L)y1961v10i5Februaryp160z+
Self-Development, True and FalseRM Willoughby (L)y1961v10i6Marchp161
filler - "it is not enough to possess a truth ... truth should possess us."Maeterlinck (L)y1961v10i6Marchp165
Gospel SymbologyGeorge J Lindemans (L)y1961v10i6Marchp166
filler - "Jewish Book of Genesis"HP Blavatsky (L)y1961v10i6Marchp172
Basis For ImmortalityCharles J Ryan (L)y1961v10i6Marchp173
filler - "It would be curious ... metempsychosis"James Freeman Clarke (L)y1961v10i6Marchp178
Survival Must Be EarnedHans Simons (L)y1961v10i6Marchp179
The Great PyramidCJW Scott (L)y1961v10i6Marchp181
Antidote to CatastropheRobert Treat (L)y1961v10i6Marchp188
filler - "By religion I do not mean here the church-creed"Thomas Carlyle (L)y1961v10i6Marchp192
Nothing is ever really lost, or can be lost (vf)Walt Whitman (L)y1961v10i6Marchp192z+
filler - "knowledge of our fellowman is that which enables us to feel"George Eliot (L)y1961v10i6Marchp192y+
Season of PromiseKenneth Morris (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp193
Childhood DreamsIngrid Van Mater (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp197
Other People's TroublesLeonard Hodges (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp202
filler - "humanity must develop strong roots before anything worthwhile"Peter Flach (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp203
The Living GlobeElsa-Brita Titchenell (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp204
filler - Are You Ambitious?EA Holmes (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp208
"Theosophy" Origins of the Termvarious - round tablesy1961v10i7Aprilp209
filler - "To a brave man, good and bad luck are like his right and left"Catherine of Siena (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp218
Lightning StrikesHD Thoreau (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp219
The Flame of BrotherhoodMartha Blake (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp221
filler - There may be intelligences or sparks of the divinity in millionsJohn Keats (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp224z+
filler - "Loveliest of trees, the cherry now is hung with bloom"AE Housman (L)y1961v10i7Aprilp224y+
The Hidden TruthClifton Meek (L)y1961v10i8Mayp225
Socrates and PlatoKenneth Morris (L)y1961v10i8Mayp230
Living ExperimentEnid Brandon (L)y1961v10i8Mayp236
filler - "growth of social conscience ... brotherhood of man"L Merkel (L)y1961v10i8Mayp241
Bhagavad Gita - Compassion and Dutyvarious - round tablesy1961v10i8Mayp242
filler - "Esoteric writings work in an esoteric way."JG Crabbendam (L)y1961v10i8Mayp252
Uses of AdversityElizabeth M Duffie (L)y1961v10i8Mayp253
filler - The Four Hills of LifeAllan J Stover (L)y1961v10i8Mayp256z+
filler - "As gold is tried by burning, cutting and filing"Buddha (L)y1961v10i8Mayp256y+
On The Side of ProgressJohn Simons (L)y1961v10i9Junep257
filler - "God does not pet the good man: He tries him"Lucius Annaeus Seneca (L)y1961v10i9Junep259
Integrity in Creative ArtIda Perrine Ryder (L)y1961v10i9Junep260
Integrity in Creative ArtReginald W Machell (L)y1961v10i9Junep260
filler - "Among thousands of exoteric or popular conflicting religions"HP Blavatsky (L)y1961v10i9Junep265
The Faith of a Modern ProtestantPeter H Samsom (L)y1961v10i9Junep266
filler - "The thinking minds of all nations call for change"Thomas Carlyle (L)y1961v10i9Junep271
Bhagavad-Gita - Principles Behind Actionvarious - round tablesy1961v10i9Junep272
filler - "When shall we awake to the sublime greatness ... of the soul"William E Channing (L)y1961v10i9Junep282
Showing 1651 to 1700 of 6911 entries