The Core of the Teaching | J Krishnamurti | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p8 |
Theosophy and the Heart | Susan Kirkham | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p9 |
The Precious One [extract: On the Watch Tower - The Theosophist October 2010] | Radha Burnier | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p10 |
Many Faiths One Truth [reprint: New York Times May 2010] | Dalai Lama | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p11 |
Stillness (vf) | Murray Rogers | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p12 |
The climber (vf) | Doug Campbell | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p12 |
Dimensions of Love - Holiday 2011 (vf) | Hazel Menehira | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p12 |
Shamballa (vf) | Vicky Weston | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p13 |
The Call of the Seeker [extract] (vf) | from Tyag | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p13 |
Whaka Ata [extract] (vf) | John La Roche | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p13 |
The Conscious Heart | Murray Stentiford | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p14 |
Integral Theosophy: A Year in Gestation | Linda Watts | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p16 |
Treading the Path in a Theosophical Way | L Nagesh | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p18 |
Brotherhood [extract: one of messages to Conventions of Theosophical Society in America 1891] | HP Blavatsky | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p20 |
Revelation | Gordon Herbert | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p21 |
review: 'The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe' by Richard Smoley [reprint: Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America] | David Appelbaum | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p23 |
new activity at... The Theosophical Community | John Vorstermans | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p24 |
From Adyar | Dorothy Bell | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p25 |
Theosophical Order of Service - TOS In-Touch Newsletter | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p26 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Introducing the first recipient of the Geoffrey Hodson Scholarship | Renee Sell | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p26 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Special TOS Days | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p26 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Congratulations to Joy Mills | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p27 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Japan Earthquake | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p27 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Christchurch Earthquake Appeal | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p27 |
Vegetarian Society | Margaret Johns | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p28 |
review: 'The Bhagavad Gita with Sanskrit text, free translation into English a word-for-word translation, an introduction to Sanskrit grammar and a complete word index' by Annie Besant and Bhagavan Das | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p29 |
review: 'The Cross and the Grail: Esoteric Christianity for the 21st Century' by Robert Ellwood | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p29 |
review: 'Glimpse After Glimpse: Reflections on Living and Dying' by Sogyal Rinpoche | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p29 |
review: 'The Power of Myth' by Joseph Campbell | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p29 |
An Holistic Vision: One Life One Whole [reprint: Theosophical Digest v21 i4; condensed from Triangles i156 June 2006] | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p30 |
Resources | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p31 |
Branch/Study Centre Directory | anon | y2011 | v72 | i2 | Winter | p32 |
From the Editor's Desk: Redefining Ourselves | Pamela Zane Keys | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p2 |
Christchurch Earthquake Prayer (vf) | Sande Ramage | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p2 |
Letter to the Editor - Poetry | John La Roche | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p2 |
Is Theosophy a Religion? | John Algeo | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p3 |
Redefining Ourselves | Sandy Ravelli | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p6 |
What is Consciousness? [adapted from 'The Dice Game of Shiva: How Consciousness Creates the Universe' by Richard Smoley] | Richard Smoley | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p8 |
How Periodicity Impels Change | John Vorstermans | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p13 |
In the Midst of Movement and Chaos Keep Stillness in Inside of You - Thoughts from Deepak Chopra who visited New Zealand recently | Deepak Chopra | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p15 |
notice and information: New Zealand Theosophical Society Inc Convention 2012 - Inspiration Discovery and Fellowship in Hamilton | anon | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p16 |
Volunteering in the Christchurch Quake Zone | Clive Conland | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p18 |
The Vital Nature of Character | Richard Sell | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p23 |
review: 'The Story of Q' by NM Freeman | Warwick Keys | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p25 |
Freedom Within Confinement - An Exploration of Redefining Ourselves | Lorraine Alston | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p26 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Pakistan School | Renee Sell | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p28 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Theosophy in Action! | Renee Sell | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p28 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Website | Renee Sell | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p28 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Helping the Dying | Renee Sell | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p28 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Christchurch Earthquake Appeal - Thanks! | Renee Sell | y2011 | v72 | i3 | Spring | p28 |