The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

(Testimonial to HS Olcott)HM Benedicty1881v2-Jan+p3
(Testimonial to HS Olcott)John J Ciscoy1881v2-Jan+p3
correspondence (re) the Paris Exhibition - Special Passport #398 for HSOWm M Evartsy1881v2-Jan+p4
correspondence (re) the Paris Exhibition - Letter of introduction re HSOWm M Evartsy1881v2-Jan+p4
correspondence (re) the Paris ExhibitionRB Hayesy1881v2-Jan+p4
(Testimonial to HS Olcott)Oliver Pillsburyy1881v2-Jan+p4
(Testimonial to HS Olcott)P Semenowy1881v2-Jan+p4
correspondence in the Matter of the Paris Exhibition of 1878HS Olcotty1881v2-Jan+p4
correspondence (re) the Paris ExhibitionRC McCormicky1881v2-Jan+p4
The Theosophist, Bombay, Jan 1st, 1881Editory1881v2-Januaryp69
A Good Indian Princeanony1881v2-Januaryp69
Occult Phenomena (rprnt Pioneer)"A", from Simlay1881v2-Januaryp70
A Treatise on Yoga Philosophy (4)NC Pauly1881v2-Januaryp72
Dr Bonwill's experiment of 1872 (rprnt Dubuque Daily Telegraph)anony1881v2-Januaryp72
India - in ancient daysSalig Ram Byasay1881v2-Januaryp76
The Sitla or Mata, - the Goddess of Small-poxNobin K Bannerjeey1881v2-Januaryp76
Pure Gold Artificially Made (3)James Price & Robert Boyle & P Davidsy1881v2-Januaryp78
Hindu ChronologyRB Gopalrao Hari Deshmukhy1881v2-Januaryp80
[quote from Confucius, ca. 551-479 BC]anony1881v2-Januaryp80
Anecdote of Second SightStuart Beatsony1881v2-Januaryp81
How Spiritualism is ExposedNDKy1881v2-Januaryp81
The Vedanta Philosophy (4)tr Surya Narayany1881v2-Januaryp83
A Strange Visitor (rprnt The Chicago Times)anony1881v2-Januaryp84
A Year of Theosophyanon (HPB)y1881v2-Januaryp85
[Death of a 125 year old woman run over by a railway locomotive]anony1881v2-Januaryp86
Indian ThaumaturgyCP Hogany1881v2-Januaryp87
A Guide to Greek Nomenclature (1)Dayarama Varmay1881v2-Januaryp87
Lahore Arya Samaj, third anniversary, list of membersRuttun Chund Baryy1881v2-Januaryp88
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1881v2-Januaryp89
Metallic Transmutation an Alleged FactMuhammed Arify1881v2-Januaryp89
Extracts from the "Dream of Ravan"English FTS (? Frederick WH Myers)y1881v2-Januaryp90
The Jinnaths: A Bit of Indian Folk-LoreWNSy1881v2-Januaryp90
Interesting FactsHerr Oberlieutenant Scheffery1881v2-Januaryp91
[Epes Sargent (1813-1880); Donated books for Ceylon schools]anony1881v2-Januaryp91
[trifling delay in publication due to holidays]anony1881v2-Januaryp91
[Articles by Pandurang Gopal have created interest in Indian medicinal practices]anony1881v2-Januaryp92
The Star-charm for Scorpion-biteJMy1881v2-Januaryp92
obituary - Mulji Thackerseyanony1881v2-Januaryp92
obituary - Ramchandra Bapujianony1881v2-Januaryp92
(Note on Phenomena at Simla)anony1881v2-Januaryp92
Miscellaneous Notes(HPB)y1881v2-Januaryp92
The Theosophist, Bombay, February 1st, 1881Editory1881v2-Februaryp93
Dr Colodon's Audiphoneanony1881v2-Februaryp93
The Sadhoo's burial alive at Lahore: Important New TestimonyJowalla Pershad Haldery1881v2-Februaryp94
Who Are the Genuine Christians?anony1881v2-Februaryp94
(What is the Secret of Success?) (What is your secret, ... none but hard work)variousy1881v2-Februaryp95
review - Transcendental Physics by JCF Zollneranon (HPB)y1881v2-Februaryp95
Golden Rules for the Examination of WitnessesDavid Paul Browny1881v2-Februaryp97
The Electric & Magnetic Affinities between Man & Natureanon (HPB)y1881v2-Februaryp98
Showing 501 to 550 of 26591 entries