The Number Seven | Editor (HPB) | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p232 |
What the West expects? | an American editor | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p233 |
Improvement in Indian Agriculture | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p234 |
On the Jain Notion of the Creator | Ram Das Sen | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p234 |
Letter to HS Olcott - Agricultural Matters (Feb. 20, 1880) | E Buck | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p235 |
Some Things the Aryans Knew (1) | (the late) Brahmachari Bawa | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p236 |
East Indian Materia Medica (4) | Pandurang Gopal | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p237 |
A Buddhist Family or Village Religious Life in India | Dawsonne Melancthan Strong | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p239 |
Theosophical Society | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p240 |
"When a man has ..." (Thomas Paine quoted) | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | June | p240 |
[Beliefs of the Greeks on spirit-control reported by FWH Myers - rprnt Spiritual Notes] | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p241 |
[Prices for reprints of the first two issues of the Theosophist] | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p241 |
The Theosophist, Bombay, July 1st, 1880 | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p241 |
The Theory of Cycles | Editor (HPB) | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p242 |
A Glimpse of Tantrik Occultism (1) | Barada Kanta Majumdar | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p244 |
A Spectre Guide | Vera Petrovna Zelihovsky | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p245 |
Synopsis of the Aryan Literature | RB Gopalrao Hurree Deshmukh | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p246 |
Some Things that Aryans Knew (2) | (the late) Brahmachari Bawa | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p247 |
Philosophy in Sanskrit Names & Words (1) | RB Dadoba Pandurang | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p248 |
[Edison a medium; his invention of the telegraph came to him in a trance state] (rprnt New York World) | Rev A.L. Hatch | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p248 |
The Word of Honour - A study from the Cultus of the Dead | Nicolas Lyeskof | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p249 |
A Study in Vegetarianism - being an experiment by Eugene Bilfinger on himself (Phren. Jour.) | ML Holbrook (? Minnie C Holbrook 1859-1911) | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p251 |
Soundings in the Ocean of Aryan Literature | K Venkata Narasaya | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p253 |
The Mind is Material | a correspondent | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p254 |
The Spiritual Commandments | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p254 |
Mysterious Stone-Throwing at Plumstead (rprnt Daily Chronicle) | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p254 |
The Prarthana Samaj versus Christianity | a member of the Prarthana Samaj | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p255 |
Brahmoism versus Hinduism | "Justice" | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p255 |
The Hindu or Arya Question | KPB (sic: K not H) | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p256 |
Agni-Hotra Philosophy | Chandan Gopal | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p256 |
Our Delegates in Ceylon (rprnt The Pioneer) | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p258 |
Letter from Ceylon | delegate | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p260 |
Colombo TS [organized & inaugurated by HSO & HPB, officers listed] | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | July | p260 |
[Prices for reprints of first two issues of the Theosophist] | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p261 |
[Unable to acknowledge all correspondence received due to the large quantity of it] | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p261 |
The Theosophist, Bombay, August 1st, 1880 | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p261 |
Our Second Year | Editor (HPB) | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p261 |
Fruits of the Ceylon Mission | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p262 |
[List of eight TS branches in Ceylon; officers; dates of establishment] | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p263 |
The Occult Sciences | HS Olcott | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p264 |
East Indian Materia Medica (5) | Pandurang Gopal | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p267 |
The Zoroastrianism Religion as represented by Martin Haug | a Parsi Theosophist | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p268 |
"Spirit" Pranks Intra Caucasus | Vera Petrovna de Jelihovsky (& HPB) | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p271 |
The Gesture Speech of Mankind | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p273 |
The Study of Theosophy | NDK (? Navroji Dorabji Khandalewala) | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p274 |
Light from the Missionaries wanted | Truth-Seeker | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p276 |
[American (from Wytheville, Virginia) with healing abilities] | anon | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p277 |
A Land of Mystery (IV) | HP Blavatsky | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p277 |
Notes on a Land of Mystery | Amrita Lal Bisvas | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p278 |
(no detailed answer) | Editor | y1880 | v1 | - | August | p279 |