review: 'Los Esclavos Felices' ('The Happy Slaves') by Juan de Eresalde | CM Savage | y1936 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p75 |
Periodicals Reviewed | anon | y1936 | v8 | i1 | Jan | p76 |
The Clock of Human Progress | Marjorie M Tyberg | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p81 |
The Universal Mystery-Language and Its Interpretation (2) The Circle | HT Edge | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p85 |
Tibetan Yoga (2) | CJ Ryan | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p87 |
The Theosophy of George Russel (AE) | HF Norman | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p92 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: Letter to William Q Judge | HP Blavatsky and Co | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p100 |
Why Study Theosophy? (2) | TW Willans | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p101 |
The Rising Tide of Theosophy (2) Consider the Heavens | CJ Ryan | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p104 |
Questions and Answers (293-297) | G de Purucker, JH Fussell and A Trevor Barker | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p109 |
The Mystery-Teachings | Leoline L Wright | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p116 |
Universal Brotherhood | Clifton Meek | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p118 |
What is Transmigration? | Seattle Theosophical Club | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p120 |
Helpers of Humanity | Marion Bustin | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p122 |
The Philosophy of Pain | William S Flathe | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p125 |
Infecting Life with Divinity | Kenneth Morris | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p126 |
Theosophical Notebook: XVII - What is the Difference Between a Visionary and a Sage or Seer? | Seattle Theosophical Club | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p127 |
The Four Yugas [reprint 'The Lotus-Circle Messenger' April 1935] | anon | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p129 |
Cagliostro: A Messenger Long Misunderstood (18) Cagliostro at Rome | PA Malpas | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p130 |
Theosophical News and Notes: Letter | G de Purucker | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p140 |
Theosophical News and Notes: Letter | J Emory Clapp | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p140 |
Theosophical News and Notes: Some of Our Immediate Aims [reprint: Teosofiskt Forum' October 1935] | Torsten Karling | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p144 |
Dispelling Narrow-Mindedness [reprint Elgin Recorder 1935] | anon | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p147 |
'Light from the East' presents Interesting Story of Old Culture [reprint Elgin Recorder 1935] | anon | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p148 |
Cosmic Perspective Viewed by Writer in 'Esoteric Tradition' [reprint 'The San Diego Union' 15 December 1935] | SH Wylde | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p150 |
'The Esoteric Tradition' | Associate Editors | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p152 |
review: 'Unsolved Problems of Science' by AW Haslett | HTE | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p153 |
review: 'Essays in Zen Buddhism' by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki | GK | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p153 |
review: 'The Doctrine of the Sufis' by Abu Bakr al-Kalabadhi trans by AJ Arberry | Madeline Savage | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p154 |
review: 'Concerning Heretics' attributed to Sebastian Castellio, by Roland H Bainton | BMS | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p155 |
review: 'Teachings from the Bhagawadgita' trans by Hari Prasad Shastri | GB | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p155 |
review: 'Essays in the History of Materialism' by George V Plekhanov trans by Ralph Fox | BMS | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p156 |
review: 'The Parker Chronicle' edited by AH Smith | MT | y1936 | v8 | i2 | Feb | p156 |
Higher Education - The Twice-Born | Marjorie M Tyberg | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p161 |
The Mystery of Birth | Irene R Ponsonby | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p164 |
Theosophy and Christianity (5) | HA Fussell | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p168 |
Why Study Theosophy? (3) | J Emory Clapp | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p171 |
The Rising Tide of Theosophy (3) | CJ Ryan | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p177 |
Leaves of Theosophical History: Banner Correspondence - India | HP Blavatsky | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p181 |
Transactions of the Point Loma Lodge (3) | G de Purucker | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p183 |
The Universal Mystery-Language and Its Interpretation (3) The Cross | HT Edge | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p187 |
Dialog Between the Human and the Spiritual Ego | Leoline L Wright | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p190 |
Questions and Answers (298-301) | G de Purucker, HT Edge and ILH | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p192 |
Nature is Repetitive | William J House | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p198 |
The Pool that Lost Itself | H Percy Leonard | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p203 |
Leo Katz's Famous Murals | Axel E Gibson | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p204 |
Theosophical Notebook: XVIII - Is There Such A Thing as Chance? | HS Parsons, Kathleen M Beatty | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p206 |
Cagliostro: A Messenger Long Misunderstood (19) The End | PA Malpas | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p207 |
A Suggestion for Propaganda | William Q Judge | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p216 |
Theosophical News and Notes: Scandinavian Section | anon | y1936 | v8 | i3 | Mar | p217 |