The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophist

Art at "The Magic Carpet"Barbara Sellony1930v1-Decemberp1041
The Great Givers (vf)Charlotte Conkright Kinneyy1930v1-Decemberp1043
Druidism & LiberationD Jeffrey Williamsy1930v1-Decemberp1044
Humane Education & World CitizenshipFrances X Kadowy1930v1-Decemberp1045
The Answer (Planned, Indexed, but Not There!)George Sargenty1930v1-Decemberp1046
The Atmic PlanetsEdward Bennetty1930v1-Decemberp1047
"Red" - A True StoryBeatrice Woody1930v1-Decemberp1049
Caste - A ProphecyLeo L Partlowy1930v1-Decemberp1053
Ruby - An ExperienceFH Aldhousey1930v1-Decemberp1057
Certainty (vf)Helen Maringy1930v1-Decemberp1059
Give the Blind a ChanceFA Bakery1930v1-Decemberp1060
Practical Brotherhood in AmericaHilda Woody1930v1-Decemberp1061
Children & Music - Here & ThereHeliosy1930v1-Decemberp1064
Gossamers (vf)E Jordany1930v1-Decemberp1065
Science NotesMalcolm Falconbridgey1930v1-Decemberp1066
An article review of Shambhala by Nicholas RoerichFlorence MacDonald Browny1930v1-Decemberp1068
review - Symbiosis - The Cure of Cancer & "Selectionitis" by H ReinheimerA. Zubery1930v1-Decemberp1072
review - Love, Courtship & Marriage by JH BodgenerFrank Arthur Piney1930v1-Decemberp1072
Out of the Everywherevariousy1930v1-Decemberp1073
Jagadis Bose, Indian ScientistF Yeats-Browny1930v1-Decemberp1073
(Jews & Christians Celebrate)anony1930v1-Decemberp1073
(The Big Adventure)anony1930v1-Decemberp1074
(Why Worry?)anony1930v1-Decemberp1074
(Adding Life to Years - etc.)anony1930v1-Decemberp1075
(Fostering Originality in Children)anony1930v1-Decemberp1075
Current Astrology - Sagittarius (last entry, last issue under the name The Theosophist - A World Magazine)H Luella Hukilly1930v1-Decemberp1076
Copy of a Portrait of Madame BlavatskyGutzon Borglumy1930v51-Januaryp385
Lest we Forget - What is Theosophy (extract from The Key to Theosophy)HP Blavatskyy1930v51-Januaryp385
An Important Cablegram from Annie Besant; replyfrom Henry & Marie R Hotchenery1930v51-Januaryp386
On the Watch-Tower(MRH)y1930v51-Januaryp387
The Higher LifeAnnie Besanty1930v51-Januaryp395
Memories of Madame Blavatsky (circa 1904)CW Leadbeatery1930v51-Januaryp403
The Brotherhood of Humanity (rprnt from The Mahatma Letters)KHy1930v51-Januaryp408
The Bodies of ManC Jinarajadasay1930v51-Januaryp409
A Winter's Night's Tale (vf)John Caldwell-Johnstony1930v51-Januaryp411
Cosmic Sex & Cosmic BeautyClaude Bragdony1930v51-Januaryp415
photo - Krishnajianony1930v51-Januaryp416a+
illustrations - two scenes in Shepscombe Valleyanony1930v51-Januaryp416b+
Mother India (vf)Elsie Hulet Gambley1930v51-Januaryp422
Race DeteriorationAles Hrdlickay1930v51-Januaryp424
To Krishnaji - Ommen, 1929 (vf)Dora E Hechty1930v51-Januaryp428
The Wonderfulness of KrishnajiGeorge S Arundaley1930v51-Januaryp429
A Recent Photograph of Krishnaji (see page 416a)anony1930v51-Januaryp432
The Angel Valley of Shepscombe (Illustrated)Geoffrey Hodsony1930v51-Januaryp433
The Theosophical SymbolKH & HPBy1930v51-Januaryp439
Type-Problems of The PersonalityMarie Barnard Russak Hotchenery1930v51-Januaryp441
President Hoover & Child WelfareGeorge H Shibleyy1930v51-Januaryp449
The Voice of The World (vf)John Burtony1930v51-Januaryp453
Theosophists, to Arms!Henry Hotchener (1881 - )y1930v51-Januaryp454
Liberalizing ChristianityAva Bomany1930v51-Januaryp458
Showing 401 to 450 of 464 entries