The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophical Journal

review: 'Integral Yoga' by Haridas ChaudhuriK Chodkiewiczy1965v6i3May-Junp38
review: 'The Inward Odyssey' by Edith B SchnapperMargaret MacDonaldy1965v6i3May-Junp38
review: 'The Old Wise Woman' by Rix WeaverH Tudor Edmundsy1965v6i3May-Junp39
review: 'Orpheus' by GRS MeadE Taylory1965v6i3May-Junp39
review: 'Theurgy: The Art of Effective Worship' by Mouni SadhuHelen M Gethingy1965v6i3May-Junp39
review: 'Ancient Beliefs and Modern Superstition' by Martin LingB Ensory1965v6i3May-Junp40
review: 'Vegetarian Handbook, 1965-1967'DM Slatery1965v6i3May-Junp40
review: 'The Meridians of Acupuncture' by Felix MannN Walkery1965v6i3May-Junp40
review: 'The Age of Automation: BBC Reith Lectures 1964' by Leon BagritTudor Edmundsy1965v6i3May-Junp40
review: 'All Heaven in a Rage' by ES TurnerOlive Stevenson Howelly1965v6i3May-Junp41
review: 'The Way of a Disciple' by Clara M CoddChristine Scotty1965v6i3May-Junp41
review: 'Frontiers of Science and Philosophy' ed by RG ColodnyLC Sopery1965v6i3May-Junp41
review: 'Thinking' by Frederick BartlettDG Dyney1965v6i3May-Junp42
[issue missing]-y1965v6i4Jul-Augp1
Presidential ParagraphsN Sri Ramy1965v6i5Sep-Octp2
Getting Out of the Rut [abridged]LH Leslie-Smithy1965v6i5Sep-Octp3
Man, The Creative AgentCorona Trewy1965v6i5Sep-Octp6
The Art of LivingRadha Burniery1965v6i5Sep-Octp9
Slayer of the RealHugh Shearmany1965v6i5Sep-Octp11
Theosophy, the Cornerstone of the Religions of the FutureGeoffrey Farthingy1965v6i5Sep-Octp14
TRC: Research Centre ActivitiesE Lester Smithy1965v6i5Sep-Octp17
Creative LivingJM Purnelly1965v6i5Sep-Octp18
TOS: Help for Displaced Personsanony1965v6i5Sep-Octp19
Planning the SyllabusIanthe Hoskinsy1965v6i5Sep-Octp20
Honours for Mr Basil Howellanony1965v6i5Sep-Octp21
obituary: Sidney Cookanony1965v6i5Sep-Octp21
obituary: Lyn Harrisanony1965v6i5Sep-Octp21
Letter: Joining the TSPat Le Feuvrey1965v6i5Sep-Octp22
LetterJohn Gordon Vernony1965v6i5Sep-Octp22
Letter: A Grand RecoveryMarcia Kingy1965v6i5Sep-Octp22
Notices and Reportsanony1965v6i5Sep-Octp24
From the Federations: North-WesternAlice Entwistley1965v6i5Sep-Octp25
From Other Sections: ScotlandJean Carstairsy1965v6i5Sep-Octp26
From Other Sections: WalesWinifred B Knowlesy1965v6i5Sep-Octp26
From Other Sections: Northern IrelandHugh Shearmany1965v6i5Sep-Octp26
From the Federations: SouthernDoreen Howardy1965v6i5Sep-Octp26
review: 'The Nasirean Ethics' by Nasir Ad-Din Tusi trans by GM WickensJehangir D Moosy1965v6i5Sep-Octp27
review: 'Ramakrisna, and His Disciples' by Christopher IsherwoodRN Bhaskary1965v6i5Sep-Octp27
review: 'Life of Pythagoras' by Iamblicus trans by Thos TaylorMargaret MacDonaldy1965v6i5Sep-Octp28
review: 'Long Pilgrimage' by JG BennettIrina Tweediey1965v6i5Sep-Octp28
review: 'Croiset the Clairvoyant' by JH PollackArthur J Ellisony1965v6i5Sep-Octp28
review: 'The Ashtavakra Gita' translated by Hari Prasad ShastriL C Sopery1965v6i5Sep-Octp29
review: 'On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism' by Gershom G ScholemJP Gartony1965v6i5Sep-Octp29
review: 'The New Reformation' by John AT RobinsonLH Leslie-Smithy1965v6i5Sep-Octp29
review: 'Goethe's Theory of Colour' by M SchindlerLC Sopery1965v6i5Sep-Octp30
review: 'Apparitions' by Kate ChristieM McDowelly1965v6i5Sep-Octp30
review: 'Gods, Demons and Others' by RK NarayanNan Walkery1965v6i5Sep-Octp30
review: 'Oracles of Nostradamus' by K ChodkiewiczNan Walkery1965v6i5Sep-Octp30
Presidential ParagraphsN Sri Ramy1965v6i6Nov-Decp2
Does Our Organization Need Remodelling?LH Leslie-Smithy1965v6i6Nov-Decp3
Showing 901 to 950 of 2730 entries