The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophical Journal

review: 'The New Religions of Japan' by Harry ThomsenEJ Burtony1966v7i4Jul-Augp29
review: 'Do Dreams Come True' by K ChodkiewiczJ Sturzakery1966v7i4Jul-Augp30
review: 'Buddhism, The Religion of Analysis' by NP JacobsonG Judgey1966v7i4Jul-Augp30
What HP Blavatsky Said on the Heavenly Nimbus [from 'Isis Unveiled' I]HP Blavatskyy1966v7i5Sep-Octp2
Meeting the Needs of the World [abridged Convention Lectures]N Sri Ramy1966v7i5Sep-Octp3
What is Liberation?N Sri Ramy1966v7i5Sep-Octp5
Emerging Cultural Patterns: 1. The UNESCO Vision of ManCorona Trewy1966v7i5Sep-Octp7
Emerging Cultural Patterns: 2. One Human Race?H Tudor Edmundsy1966v7i5Sep-Octp7
Emerging Cultural Patterns: 3. A New Look at the Sixth RaceV Wallace Slatery1966v7i5Sep-Octp8
The Known, The Unknown and The UnknowableLeonard Sopery1966v7i5Sep-Octp9
The World, the Flesh, and the DevilMadeleine Leslie-Smithy1966v7i5Sep-Octp10
Space Is Mind, and Other ConsiderationsIan Hammondy1966v7i5Sep-Octp12
Magna Est Veritas et Praevalebit: 1. The Illusion of RelativityLaurence Bendity1966v7i5Sep-Octp14
Magna Est Veritas et Praevalebti: 2. Theosophical PersonalitiesLH Leslie-Smithy1966v7i5Sep-Octp16
TRC: Theosophical Group in EducationBeatrice Ensory1966v7i5Sep-Octp19
Letter: Mediumship and MediatorshipElsie Benjaminy1966v7i5Sep-Octp20
Letter: Mediumship and Mediatorship: Dr Shearman CommentsHugh Shearmany1966v7i5Sep-Octp21
Theosophical World Trust for Education and Researchanony1966v7i5Sep-Octp21
Drugs and the MindLaurence J Bendity1966v7i5Sep-Octp22
Notices and Reportsanony1966v7i5Sep-Octp26
5th World Congressanony1966v7i5Sep-Octp27
TOS: Intensive Rearing of Farm AnimalsBetty Dennisy1966v7i5Sep-Octp28
From the Federations: LondonJoan Cooksony1966v7i5Sep-Octp29
From the Federations: MidlandJH Browny1966v7i5Sep-Octp29
From the Federations: North-WesternAlice Entwistley1966v7i5Sep-Octp29
From the Federations: South-EasternGL Thorny1966v7i5Sep-Octp29
From the Federations: SouthernDoreen Howardy1966v7i5Sep-Octp29
From Other Sections: ScotlandJean Carstairsy1966v7i5Sep-Octp30
From Other Sections: Northern IrelandHugh Shearmany1966v7i5Sep-Octp30
From Other Sections: WalesHarry Edgary1966v7i5Sep-Octp30
From Other Sections: IrelandDorothy H Emersony1966v7i5Sep-Octp31
obituary: GG Page died age 81OSHy1966v7i5Sep-Octp31
review: 'Seven Great Religions' by Annie BesantN Walkery1966v7i5Sep-Octp31
review: 'A Case Against Jones: A Study of Psychical Phenomena' by J VyvyanLJ Bendity1966v7i5Sep-Octp31
review: 'The Healing Intelligence' by H EdwardsLJ Bendity1966v7i5Sep-Octp32
review: 'The Heavens Declare' by VJ EmmonsRC Davidsony1966v7i5Sep-Octp32
review: 'The Cracow Occult Centre' by K Chodkiewiczanony1966v7i5Sep-Octp32
review: 'Witchcraft, The Sixth Sense - and Us' by J GlassLJ Bendity1966v7i5Sep-Octp32
review: 'New Light on Old Ghosts' by Trevor HallFG Perryy1966v7i5Sep-Octp33
review: 'Religious Faith and Twentieth-Century Man' by FC HappoldLC Sopery1966v7i5Sep-Octp33
review: 'HP Blavatsky - Collected Writings' Vol I 1874-1878, Second EditionE Ashtony1966v7i5Sep-Octp33
review: 'Science, Man and Morals' by WH ThorpeLC Sopery1966v7i5Sep-Octp33
review: 'Stonehenge Decoded' by GS HawkinsLC Sopery1966v7i5Sep-Octp34
review: 'They Walk on Earth' by E BuckleyM MacDonaldy1966v7i5Sep-Octp34
review: 'Kahlil Gibran - His Life and His Work' by Mikhail NaimyO Stevenson Howelly1966v7i5Sep-Octp34
Presidential ParagraphsN Sri Ramy1966v7i6Nov-Decp2
An Inmost Centre in Us AllLH Leslie-Smithy1966v7i6Nov-Decp3
Universal BrotherhoodGreta Eedley1966v7i6Nov-Decp5
That Which Never DiesC Nelson Stewarty1966v7i6Nov-Decp7
Meeting One's GuruRobert Millary1966v7i6Nov-Decp8
Showing 1101 to 1150 of 2730 entries