From Other Sections: Scotland | Jean Carstairs | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p33 |
From Other Sections: Wales | Harry Edgar | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p33 |
obituary: Claudia Owen died age 82 | Harry Edgar | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p33 |
review: 'The Doctrine of the Subtle Body in Western Tradition' by GRS Mead | Nan Walker | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p34 |
review: 'History of the Humane Movement' by D Niven | Basil P Howell | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p34 |
review: 'Theosophy - Key to Understanding' by E and F Layton | GA Farthing | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p34 |
review: 'The Pinnacle of Indian Thought' by E Wood | IH Hoskins | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p35 |
review: 'The London Heretics 1870-1914' by WS Smith | Basil P Howell | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p35 |
review: 'The Diary of a Mystic' by E Thornton | Barbara Welby | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p35 |
review: 'Woody' by Maurice Woodruff | Arthur J Ellison | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p35 |
review: 'Jnaneshvari' translated by VG Pradham, ed by HM Lambert | Nan Walker | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p36 |
review: 'Sacred Art in East and West' by T Burckhardt | EJ Burton | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p36 |
review: 'Out of Chaos' by HK Challoner and R Northover | O Stevenson Howell | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p36 |
review: 'Self-Knowledge: A Yoga for the West' by LJ Bendit | K Chodkiewicz | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p36 |
review: 'Intelligent Life in the Universe' by IS Shklovskii and C Sagan | LC Soper | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p37 |
review: 'Apartheid - Its Effect on Education, Science, Culture and Information' | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p37 |
review: '100 Years of Freethought' by D Tribe | O Stevenson Howell | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p37 |
review: 'The Swan in the Evening' by Rosamond Lehmann | Margaret MacDonald | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p38 |
review: 'The Life of Jesus' by M Craveri | Edward Gall | y1968 | v9 | i3 | May-Jun | p38 |
The Meaning of Theosophy [abridged Talk to new members at Adyar] | N Sri Ram | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p2 |
The Idea of God | LH Leslie-Smith | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p3 |
How to Die [abbreviated from 'The Theosophical Review'] | Mohanlal Velji | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p6 |
No Doxy, No Last Word [reprint 'The Theosophist'] | N Sri Ram | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p8 |
The Proper Presentation of Theosophy: For the Orpheus Lodge [abridged from 'The Canadian Theosophist'] | WE Wilks | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p9 |
Reading the 'Journal' | LH L-S | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p12 |
What HP Blavatsky Said on 'When Are the "Dead" Dead?' [from Isis Unveiled I 479, 480, 483] | HP Blavatsky | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p14 |
Letter: First Visit to Tekels Park | Ruth E Clarke | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p15 |
Letter: A Different Point of View | PD Gilmour | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p15 |
Letter: Neon | Doreen Howard | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p15 |
Letter: Truth and Knowledge | D Cadwaladar | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p15 |
TOS: How We Have Helped | Cyril L Paul | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p16 |
TRC: The Reality of the Invisible | anon | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p17 |
obituary: Phoebe Bendit | anon | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p19 |
From the Federations: Southern | D Kerr Jones | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p21 |
From the Federations: South-Eastern | GL Thorn | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p21 |
From the Federations: Midland | Alison Bayliss | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p21 |
From Other Sections: Wales | Harry Edgar | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p22 |
From Other Sections: Scotland | Jean Carstairs | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p22 |
From the Federations: London | WB Shippey | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p22 |
From the Federations: Eastern | Eve Richbelle | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p22 |
review: 'The Gospel According to St John' by D Runes | GN Drinkwater | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p23 |
review: 'Life Threatened - Menace and Way Out' by Aubrey Westlake | E Lester Smith | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p23 |
From Other Sections: Northern Ireland | Hugh Shearman | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p23 |
review: 'Crisis in Consciousness' by R Powell | LC Soper | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p24 |
review: 'Music Therapy' by Juliette Alvin | Doreen L Sturzaker | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p24 |
review: 'Francis Bacon from Magic to Science' by Paolo Rossi | Corona Trew | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p24 |
review: 'In the Tracks of Buddhism' by Frithjof Schuon | G Judge | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p24 |
review: 'The School in the Wood' by Richard Ince | OM Parkinson | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p25 |
review: 'The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam by Robert Graves and Omar Ali-Shah | Margaret MacDonald | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p25 |
review: 'Apartheid - Its Effect on Education, Science, Culture, and Information' by UNESCO | H Tudor Edmunds | y1968 | v9 | i4 | Jul-Aug | p25 |