review: 'Many Voices' by Eileen J Garrett | AJ Ellison | y1969 | v10 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p28 |
review: 'Out-of-the-Body Experiences' by C Green | Arthur J Ellison | y1969 | v10 | i6 | Nov-Dec | p30 |
Presidential Paragraphs | N Sri Ram | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p2 |
Freedom | Geoffrey Farthing | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p3 |
Unity in Education [condensed Lecture at Summer School] | EJ Burton | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p6 |
Latent Powers and the Concept of Grace | Rober Millar | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p8 |
Sea of Tranquillity | Eleanor Stakesby-Lewis | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p9 |
The Theosophical Attitude to Religion [abridgment of Talk] | Ianthe Hoskins | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p11 |
Current Views on Personality [condensed Lecture at Summer School] | Barbara Welby | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p13 |
What HPB Said: What are the Theosophists? [reprint 'The Theosophist' October 1879] | HP Blavatsky | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p17 |
TRC: The Sun and Man | Doris M Slater | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p18 |
TOS: Theosophists in Action | Cyril L Paul | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p19 |
Letter: Together Differently | Eve Richbelle | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p20 |
Letter: Publicizing Theosophy | WG Wheeler | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p20 |
obituary: Horace Reginald Page | Graham Nicholas | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p21 |
Letter: Clairvoyant Gifts | Madeleine Leslie-Smith | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p21 |
Notices and Reports | anon | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p24 |
From the Federations: South-Eastern | J Hammond | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p25 |
From the Federations: Eastern | Annie R Spooner | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p25 |
From the Federations: North-Western | Alice Entwisle | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p25 |
From the Federations: Stockton-on-Tees | anon | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p25 |
From the Federations: London | WB Shippey | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p25 |
From the Federations: Northern | Arthur Townsley | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p25 |
From Other Sections: Wales | Harry Edgar | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p26 |
From Other Sections: Northern Ireland | Hugh Shearman | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p27 |
From Other Sections: Scotland | Jean Carstairs | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p27 |
From Other Sections: Ireland | Dorothy M Emerson | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p27 |
review: 'Wm Quan Judge' by Sven Eek and B de Zirkoff | K Smith | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p28 |
review: 'Life Begins at Death' by L Weatherhead | EJ Burton | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p28 |
review: 'The Genesis and Genius of Man' by G Hall | J Sturzaker | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p28 |
review: 'The Cosmic Womb' by Arthur W Osborn | H Tudor Edmunds | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p28 |
review: 'Meditation in Action' by Chogyam Trungpa | Geoffrey Farthing | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p29 |
review: 'Man, God and the Universe' by IK Taimni | VW Slater | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p29 |
review: 'Children of the Rainbow' by Leinani Melville | Nan Walker | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p30 |
review: 'The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are' by Alan Watts | Geoffrey Farthing | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p30 |
review: 'Jnaneshvari' Vol 2 translated by VG Pradham ed HM Lambert | Nan Walker | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p30 |
review: 'The Etheric Double' by Arthur E Powell | Nan Walker | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p30 |
review: 'Your Own Little Elf' by May M Raizizun | Margaret MacDonald | y1970 | v11 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p30 |
New Spirit and Outlook for 1975 [extracts from Presidential Address at 94th International Convention] | N Sri Ram | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p2 |
Humility | Geoffrey Farthing | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p4 |
The Theosophist as a Friend [Summary of Talk at English Summer School] | Joyce Beavis | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p6 |
Death and Sleep | Emmett Small | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p8 |
TRC: The Naked Ape Talks | E Lester Smith | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p9 |
TOS: Two Visitors | Betty Dennis | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p10 |
Metaphysics and Modern Science | Joan Bowers | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p11 |
Ideas on Theosophy | Kiki Matthews | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p13 |
What HPB Said on The Law of Analogy | HP Blavatsky | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p14 |
Letter: Clairvoyant Gifts | Mora Forbes | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p15 |
Letter: Retreat Weekend | V Morgan | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p16 |
Letter: The Purpose of Theosophy | Christopher McDowell | y1970 | v11 | i2 | Mar-Apr | p16 |