The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophical Movement

In the Light of Theosophy: Happiness, dissatisfaction with modern life, and moral autonomy-y2005v75i3Januaryp107
Character and Spiritual Integrity-y2005v75i4Februaryp109
The Wheel of Sacrifice-y2005v75i4Februaryp115
Rebirth- A Logical Necessity - II-y2005v75i4Februaryp120
Tsunami - What Caused It?-y2005v75i4Februaryp124
Self-Choice and Individual Progress-y2005v75i4Februaryp130
Questions and Answers: Is it right to vote? - to judge?-y2005v75i4Februaryp133
Questions and Answers: What is the theosophical explanation for abnormal phenomena?-y2005v75i4Februaryp134
In the Light of Theosophy: What is happiness?-y2005v75i4Februaryp138
In the Light of Theosophy: What is creative genius?-y2005v75i4Februaryp139
In the Light of Theosophy: Natural Selection, Intelligent Design, or?-y2005v75i4Februaryp141
In the Light of Theosophy: In tune with Nature and its rhythm, Pantheism-y2005v75i4Februaryp143
Easter - Its Inner Significance-y2005v75i5Marchp145
William Quan Judge-y2005v75i5Marchp151
The Quest for Happiness-y2005v75i5Marchp153
The Divine Response-y2005v75i5Marchp159
Journey of the Soul-y2005v75i5Marchp163
Questions and Answers: Why do those who have entered the spiritual path have more obstacles and problems?-y2005v75i5Marchp169
Questions and Answers: Why caution against attainment of Siddhis but ask us to 'Gain Siddhis for thy future birth'?-y2005v75i5Marchp171
In the Light of Theosophy: Are psychedelics the key to consciousness?-y2005v75i5Marchp174
In the Light of Theosophy: Why did animals flee before the tsunami struck, but the humans were not aware of it?-y2005v75i5Marchp175
In the Light of Theosophy: Sanskrit is studied in many universities throughout the world-y2005v75i5Marchp176
In the Light of Theosophy: Moral education is the answer to the increasing sexual perversion in modern society-y2005v75i5Marchp178
HPB - The Sphinx of the 19th Century-y2005v75i6Aprilp181
Dual Nature of Mind - I-y2005v75i6Aprilp187
Attaining World Peace-y2005v75i6Aprilp191
Understanding Karma-y2005v75i6Aprilp195
Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms - Reflections-y2005v75i6Aprilp199
Questions and Answers: How can we trust any and everyone?-y2005v75i6Aprilp205
Questions and Answers: Why are there wars in the name of religion?-y2005v75i6Aprilp207
In the Light of Theosophy: Is Christ's nativity account fact or fiction?-y2005v75i6Aprilp210
In the Light of Theosophy: What does Siva's Third Eye depict?-y2005v75i6Aprilp212
In the Light of Theosophy: The Indian Rope Trick and hypnotism-y2005v75i6Aprilp213
In the Light of Theosophy: Recombination and recycling of atoms as illustration of the idea of universal brotherhood-y2005v75i6Aprilp214
The Light of Asia - Buddha, Dhamma and Poetry-y2005v75i7Mayp217
Dual Nature of Mind - II-y2005v75i7Mayp223
Myths and Symbolism of Trees - I-y2005v75i7Mayp226
Overcoming Defects-y2005v75i7Mayp230
The Dream Condition-y2005v75i7Mayp235
Viraga - True Indifference-y2005v75i7Mayp240
Questions and Answers: Fear of death, and how to prepare for death-y2005v75i7Mayp244
Questions and Answers: What is the right technique of meditation?-y2005v75i7Mayp246
In the Light of Theosophy: Challenging the cult of speed: slow down!-y2005v75i7Mayp248
In the Light of Theosophy: The danger of knowledge in martial art-y2005v75i7Mayp249
In the Light of Theosophy: The development of birds from reptiles-y2005v75i7Mayp250
In the Light of Theosophy: Human nature revealed during crises and tragedies-y2005v75i7Mayp251
The Meaning of Impersonality-y2005v75i8Junep253
Myths and Symbolism of Trees (2)-y2005v75i8Junep259
True Asceticism-y2005v75i8Junep264
Tirukkural - Thiruvalluvar's Life and Teachings I-y2005v75i8Junep268
Showing 601 to 650 of 2065 entries