Researches Into Nature Book V Chapters 7-15 | Lucius Annaeus Seneca, trans G de Purucker | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p412 |
Meditation (vf) [from 'The Songs of a Chela] | Reata VH Pedersen | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p419 |
Julian the Apostle: A Fourth-Century History (4) University-Life | PA Malpas | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p420 |
The Drama of the Manvantara | anon | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p428 |
The Pitris: Our Physical and Spiritual Ancestors | Rose Winkler | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p435 |
Hero-Worship and the Good Cause | Reata VH Pedersen | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p440 |
On the 'Hill of the Thrushes' | FH Aldhouse | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p442 |
News From the Archaeological Field | CJ Ryan | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p448 |
Questions and Answers [from a study-class at the Theosophical Club The Hague Holland] | G de Purucker | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p452 |
The Theosophical Movement: Present Era is Seen as Most Powerful in Universal Religion [reprint 'The San Diego Sun' 21 March 1931] | WG Bray | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p456 |
review: "The Lotus-Circle Messenger" for May 1931 | GK | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p459 |
review: "The Theosophical Forum" for April 1931 | ILH | y1931 | v39 | i5 | May | p459 |
Contents | anon | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p460 |
Theosophy, The Mother of Religions, Philosophies, and Sciences (17): Young Gods at School | G de Purucker | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p463 |
HP Blavatsky and Science (2) | CJ Ryan | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p483 |
Can Theosophy Help Me? | HT Edge | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p492 |
Genius [reprint 'Lucifer' V November 1889] | Helena Petrovna Blavatsky | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p497 |
William Quan Judge [Address at Baker Street Meeting 22 March 1931] | AT Barker | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p505 |
The Golden Stairs (4) | Reata VH Pedersen | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p511 |
Researches into Nature: Book V Chapters 16-18 | Lucius Annaeus Seneca, trans G de Purucker | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p515 |
More Light - A Study of Freemasonry and Theosophy Chapter V: The Story of Evolution | Joseph H Fussell | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p521 |
Julian the Apostle: A Fourth-Century History (5): The Mysteries of the Great Mother, The Virgin Goddess | PA Malpas | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p530 |
Some Problems of Life | Arthur A Beale | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p538 |
The Gramophone on the Pacific (vf) | Kenneth Morris | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p542 |
The Theosophical Movement: The Point Loma View of Leadership [reprint 'Canadian Theosophist' March 1931] | anon | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p543 |
The Theosophical Movement: Look to the East [reprint Norwalk Hour 1931] | Clifton Meek | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p545 |
The Theosophical Movement: WY Evans-Wentz, M A, D Litt., Theosophical Scholar, Honored by Oxford University [reprint 'The San Diego Union' 1 March 1931] | anon | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p547 |
The Theosophical Movement: Questions and Answers [reprint Theosophical Forum 1894] | William Quan Judge | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p548 |
The Theosophical Movement: review: "The Theosophical Forum" for May 1931 | ILH | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p551 |
The Theosophical Movement: review: "Lucifer: the Light-Bringer", May-June 1931 | WES | y1931 | v39 | i6 | Jun | p552 |
[issues 1-3 missing] | - | y1931 | v40 | i1 | Jul | p1 |
Contents | anon | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p276 |
Theosophy, The Mother of Religions, Philosophies, and Sciences (21) Living Men and Dead Men | G de Purucker | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p279 |
Behold the Truth Before You - A Centennial Greeting | HT Edge | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p295 |
Old Philosophers and Modern Critics [reprint 'Lucifer' 15 July 1892] | Helena Petrovna Blavatsky | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p299 |
Chen Tzu-Ang Praises the Vale of Chiu-Hua Kwan (vf) | Kenneth Morris | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p315 |
Friends or Enemies in the Future [reprint 'The Path'] | Eusebio Urban (William Q Judge) | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p315 |
Why do We Suffer? | Lydia Ross | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p318 |
Researches into Nature Book VI Chapters 22-30 | Lucius Annaeus Seneca, trans G de Purucker | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p324 |
The Golden Stairs (8) | Reata VH Pedersen | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p332 |
Liu Yu-Hsi Remembers the Deserted City-of-Stones (vf) | Kenneth Morris | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p332 |
Significant Discoveries and Speculations in the Field of Science: Recent Tendencies toward Theosophy | CJ Ryan | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p336 |
Julian the Apostle: A Fourth-Century History (8) | PA Malpas | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p341 |
The Nature of Life | Emma D Wilcox | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p348 |
How Consciousness Weaves Character | Rose Winkler | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p354 |
review: 'The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, or the Secret of Hiram Abiff' by Manly P Hall | Joseph H Fussell | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p359 |
Questions and Answers: What is the Test of a World-Teacher? | Grace Knoche | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p362 |
Prospectus and Table of Contents: 'Fundamentals of The Esoteric Philosophy' by G de Purucker, ed by A Trevor Barker | anon | y1931 | v40 | i4 | Oct | p366 |
[issues 5-6 missing] | - | y1931 | v40 | i5 | Oct | p373 |
[issues 1-3 missing] | - | y1932 | v41 | i1 | Jan | p1 |