The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Theosophical Quarterly

Occultism and MedicineArchibald Keightley and Henry Bedinger Mitchelly1929v27i2Octp171
Gleanings from a HolidayMinusy1929v27i2Octp182
On the Screen of Time (4)Ty1929v27i2Octp187
review: 'The History of Psychology' by WB PillsburySLy1929v27i2Octp202
review: 'What is Buddhism? An Answer from the Western Point of View' compiled by The Buddhist LodgeETHy1929v27i2Octp202
review: 'Englishman, Frenchmen, Spaniards: An Essay in Comparative Psychology' by Salvador de MadariagaSCy1929v27i2Octp204
review: 'Undertones of War' by Edmund BlundenTDy1929v27i2Octp204
review: 'The Anti-Vivisection and Humanitarian Review'ETHy1929v27i2Octp205
Questions and Answersvariousy1929v27i2Octp206
Notes and Comments: The Buddha's Cosmologyanony1930v27i3Janp211
Three Phases of ExperienceStanley V LaDowy1930v27i3Janp220
Successful SpeculationRoland Pagey1930v27i3Janp228
War Memories: Life in Occupied Belgium (6)Volunteery1930v27i3Janp230
Aspects of the Greek GeniusSCy1930v27i3Janp242
They Don't Get the PictureA Woodbyy1930v27i3Janp252
WordsworthCC Clarky1930v27i3Janp254
The Narrative of Cabeca de VacaEAy1930v27i3Janp266
Why I Joined the Theosophical Society (5)AHy1930v27i3Janp277
Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad: Janaka and Yajnavalkya (4, 1-2)CJy1930v27i3Janp279
On the Screen of Time (5)Ty1930v27i3Janp286
review: 'The Private Life of Tutankhamen' by GR TabouisTDy1930v27i3Janp298
review: 'The Platonic Tradition in English Religious Thought' by Dean IngeSCy1930v27i3Janp299
review: 'The Tree of Life: An Anthology' by Vivian De Sola Pinto and George Neill WrightTy1930v27i3Janp299
review: 'The Nature of the World and of Man'RAy1930v27i3Janp300
Questions and Answersvariousy1930v27i3Janp301
obituary: Thomas Hans Knoff [died 6 December 1929]anony1930v27i3Janp304
[issue missing]-y1930v27i4Apr-
Notes and Comments: The Doctrine of the Divine Mananony1930v28i1Julp5
Fragments: Three Ancient PrayersCavey1930v28i1Julp13
Theosophical Principles in the Plant WorldRE Torreyy1930v28i1Julp14
War Memories: In Allied Territory (8)Volunteery1930v28i1Julp25
'Higher Education' or 'Great Learning': A New Translation by Ku Hung-Ming of 'Ta Hsueh' with commentaryConfucius, (commentary by) a discipley1930v28i1Julp34
Thoughts of a New MemberPJy1930v28i1Julp43
The Theosophical Movement and Kali YugaQuaesitory1930v28i1Julp45
Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad: Janaka and Yajnavalkya (4, 4)CJy1930v28i1Julp58
On the Screen of Time (6)Ty1930v28i1Julp64
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Report of the Committee on CredentialsHB Mitchelly1930v28i1Julp73
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Address of the Temporary ChairmanCharles Johnstony1930v28i1Julp73
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Morning Sessionanony1930v28i1Julp73
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Address of the Permanent ChairmanHB Mitchelly1930v28i1Julp74
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Report of the Executive CommitteeCharles Johnston, HB Mitchell, ET Hargrovey1930v28i1Julp79
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Report of the SecretaryIsabel E Perkinsy1930v28i1Julp83
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Report of the Treasurer TSHenry Bedinger Mitchelly1930v28i1Julp86
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Report of the Committee on NominationsJFB Mitchelly1930v28i1Julp88
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Report of the Committee on Letters of GreetingsCharles Johnstony1930v28i1Julp88
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Report of the Committee on Resolutionsvariousy1930v28i1Julp88
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Letter: From Aussig, CzechoslovakiaHerman Zerndty1930v28i1Julp101
TS Activities - Annual Convention: Letter: From Cincinnati, OhioThe Cincinnati TSy1930v28i1Julp101
Showing 1451 to 1500 of 2244 entries