The Treasurer's Report for the TRC 1977-1978 | KB Wakelam | y1978 | v22 | - | 4th Q | p118 |
The Rules of the Theosophical Research Centre | anon | y1978 | v22 | - | 4th Q | p119 |
Editorial | anon | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p3 |
The Theosophical Research Centre Annual Weekend Conference | anon | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p3 |
Mental Phenomena | Anita Gregory | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p4 |
The Web of the Universe (rprnt The Theosophist, Oct, 1978) | E Lester Smith | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p12 |
Universal Space | Hugh Murdoch | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p14 |
Ltte - A Fresh Look at the Secret Doctrine | Dr JH Dubbink | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p16 |
Ltte - reply to Dr JH Dubbink | B Butterworth | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p17 |
review - Into the Fourth Dimension by AC Hanlon | Margaret Swan | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p19 |
Conference on a Multifactorial Approach to Causes & Treatment of Learning Disabilities in Children | KB Wakelam | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | p20 |
Mind, Belief & Psychical Research (14 page photocopied insert, rprnt Proc SPR May 1978) | Prof AJ Ellison | y1979 | v23 | - | 1st Q | - |
Discussion Session with Ingo Swann | E Lester Smith | y1979 | v23 | - | 2nd Q | p25 |
Editorial Addendum | anon | y1979 | v23 | - | 2nd Q | p32 |
Introducing (Arthur E) Powell's Compiled Theosophical Theory of Personality | Peter French | y1979 | v23 | - | 2nd Q | p33 |
The Pythagorean Theory of Number | Christopher McCarthy | y1979 | v23 | - | 2nd Q | p40 |
Editorial - journal reduced to A5 size | anon | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p54 |
Health & Vitality | Libra | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p55 |
Consciousness Research Today | AJ Ellison | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p56 |
Getting the Pronouns Right | Libra | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p61 |
Consciousness, Ego-Awareness & Subtle Body States | Mary Scott | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p62 |
Interactionism - A Pragmatic Philosophy | E Lester Smith | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p69 |
Books by Lyall Watson | E Lester Smith | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p74 |
Sir Francis Younghusband & the Fellowship of Faiths | Marcus Braybrooke | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p75 |
Synopses of Talks given at the Theosophical Research Conference, May 1979 | various | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p75 |
The Philosophy of Communism (1) | KB Wakelam | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p75 |
Aspects of Hinduism | Jeanine Miller | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p75 |
Intuition as a Way of Life (1) | E Lester Smith | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p76 |
The Metaphysics of Philosophy (1) | JS Gordon | y1979 | v23 | - | 3rd Q | p76 |
Editorial - publication difficulties | anon | y1979 | v23 | - | 4th Q | p79 |
Editorial note re "The Pythagorean Theory of Number" | anon | y1979 | v23 | - | 4th Q | p79 |
"Occult Chemistry" & the "String Model" of Elementary Particle Physics | Stephen M Phillips | y1979 | v23 | - | 4th Q | p80 |
The International Committee on Science & Technology | Dr A. Kannan | y1979 | v23 | - | 4th Q | p93 |
Consciousness in Theosophical Thought | Corona Trew | y1979 | v23 | - | 4th Q | p94 |
review - Lifetide by Lyall Watson | E Lester Smith | y1979 | v23 | - | 4th Q | p98 |
The Web of the Universe | JHM Whiteman | y1980 | v24 | - | 1st Q | p3 |
Unrecognised States of Matter | E Lester Smith | y1980 | v24 | - | 1st Q | p8 |
Workshop on Memory Training with the Aid of Biofeedback | Keith B Wakelam | y1980 | v24 | - | 1st Q | p15 |
review - The Secret of Atlantis by Otto Muck | GH Carmichael | y1980 | v24 | - | 1st Q | p18 |
review - The Mystical Life by JHM Whiteman, our neglected literature (rprnt) | E Lester Smith | y1980 | v24 | - | 1st Q | p20 |
Sir Francis Younghusband & the Fellowship of Faiths | Marcus Braybrooke | y1980 | v24 | - | 1st Q | p21 |
Albert Einstein - Universal Man | Hugh Murdoch | y1980 | v24 | - | 2nd Q | p28 |
The Power of Prayer | VW Slater | y1980 | v24 | - | 2nd Q | p34 |
Intuition as a Way of Life (2) | E Lester Smith | y1980 | v24 | - | 2nd Q | p38 |
The Philosophy of Communism (2) | KB Wakelam | y1980 | v24 | - | 2nd Q | p42 |
Formation of Mental Development Group | anon | y1980 | v24 | - | 2nd Q | p46 |
Editorial - "Do you really want this Journal?" | E Lester Smith | y1980 | v24 | - | 3rd Q | p49 |
Perspectives in Hinduism | Jeanine Miller | y1980 | v24 | - | 3rd Q | p50 |
The Metaphysics of Philosophy (2) | JS Gordon | y1980 | v24 | - | 3rd Q | p59 |
Simplicity & Necessity | Edward Robinson | y1980 | v24 | - | 3rd Q | p62 |