The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The Attainment of Spiritual KnowledgeRudolf Steinery1929v4i2Midsummerp137
The Moral Effects of Sense-Impressions as Mediators between Spirit & Nature (rprnt Das Goetheanum)Albert Steffeny1929v4i2Midsummerp159
The Fifth Post-Atlantean Age - The Spiritual Forces of Our TimeG Adams Kaufmanny1929v4i2Midsummerp168
Red & White (a vf Play)EC Merryy1929v4i2Midsummerp192
Cosmic Forces in the Being of Man - The Mission of the Scandinavian PeopleRudolf Steinery1929v4i2Midsummerp201
A New Outlook in PaintingArild Rosenkrantzy1929v4i2Midsummerp224
Rembrandt & His FulfilmentViolet Plinckey1929v4i2Midsummerp243
Music & the Art of Healing among the Druids & BardsEugen Koliskoy1929v4i2Midsummerp260
The European Mysteries & their InitiatesRudolf Steinery1929v4i3Michaelmasp275
Machine, Animal & Man (rprnt Der Pfad 1929)Hermann Poppelbaumy1929v4i3Michaelmasp293
Understanding of Childhood & YouthRudolf Steiner (reported by Albert Steffen)y1929v4i3Michaelmasp301
Rudolf Steiner's Teaching on the GospelsEleanor C Merryy1929v4i3Michaelmasp326
Medicine & the Seven Liberal ArtsE Schicklery1929v4i3Michaelmasp342
Language & the Spirit of Language (rprnt Das Goetheanum 1922)Rudolf Steinery1929v4i3Michaelmasp357
Trends in the Philosophy of Modern ScienceJE Williamsy1929v4i3Michaelmasp363
The Social Structure of the FutureGeorge S Francisy1929v4i3Michaelmasp380
Two Old Russian Legendstr by Violet E Plinckey1929v4i3Michaelmasp391
Music as a Means of Healing (rprnt Natura)H Waltery1929v4i3Michaelmasp396
review - Man & Animal: Five Aspects of their Essential Difference by Herman PoppelbaumGeorge Adams Kaufmanny1929v4i3Michaelmasp407
Rudolf Steiner - A Glimpse of the Beyond (rprnt Les Cahiers Trimestriels de l'Anthroposophie)Jules Sauerweiny1929v4i4Christmasp413
Christ & the Evolution of ConsciousnessRudolf Steinery1929v4i4Christmasp420
A Fragment from the History of the MysteriesIta Wegmany1929v4i4Christmasp434
Maria-SophiaViolet Plinckey1929v4i4Christmasp457
Men & Nature - A short Study of Rudolf Steiner's Soul Calendar & Twelve MoodsEC Merryy1929v4i4Christmasp473
Cosmic Forces in Agriculture (rprnt Gaia-Sophia)Guenther Wachsmuthy1929v4i4Christmasp480
Functions of the Vitamins in Human Nutrition (rprnt Natura)G Suchantkey1929v4i4Christmasp489
The Process of Nutrition - An Interplay of Cosmic & Earthly Forces (rprnt Natura)Rudolf Hauschkay1929v4i4Christmasp505
illustration - Fig 2, Fig 5 - plant specimensanony1929v4i4Christmasp513
illustration - Fig 21, Fig 22 - Petri dish specimensanony1929v4i4Christmasp514
illustration - Fig 24, Fig 25 - Petri dish specimensanony1929v4i4Christmasp515
illustration - Fig 26, Fig 27 - Petri dish specimensanony1929v4i4Christmasp516
review - Anthroposophy & Agriculture - Gaia-Sophia vol IV (Agriculture) Year Book ed by Guenther WachsmuthCA Mirbty1929v4i4Christmasp538
review - On the Work of Michael ed by Nora SteinEC Merryy1929v4i4Christmasp544
The Four TemperamentsRudolf Steinery1930v5i1Easterp1
The Earth-MysteryIta Wegmany1930v5i1Easterp36
The Art of Education inaugurated by Rudolf Steiner (rprnt Les Cahiers Trimestriels de l'Anthroposophie)Walter Johannes Steiny1930v5i1Easterp45
An Introduction to AnthroposophyOwen Barfieldy1930v5i1Easterp58
Greek Gods & Homeric Heroes (1) Athene, Apollo & DionysusCecil Harwoody1930v5i1Easterp81
The Nature of the Plant (rprnt Gaia-Sophia)A. Usteriy1930v5i1Easterp90
Sugar & Iron in ManG Suchantkey1930v5i1Easterp104
Man as a Heavenly & Earthly BeingH Shatwelly1930v5i1Easterp111
review - Rudolf Steiner Enters my Life by Friedrich RittelmeyerOwen Barfieldy1930v5i1Easterp121
review - Das Wesen Der Strafe (The Essential Nature of Punishment) by Franz Otto HörlerErnst Uehliy1930v5i1Easterp123
Richard Wagner & MysticismRudolf Steinery1930v5i2Midsummerp127
Christ & the World TeachersEC Merryy1930v5i2Midsummerp149
Spiritual Wisdom in the Early Christian CenturiesRudolf Steinery1930v5i2Midsummerp163
Physics & the Light of the WorldGeorge Adams Kaufmanny1930v5i2Midsummerp178
The Book of NatureM Peasey1930v5i2Midsummerp200
Greek Gods & Homeric Heroes (2) Achilles, Hector & OdysseusCecil Harwoody1930v5i2Midsummerp210
Reflections on our Growing Consciousness of TimeGS Francisy1930v5i2Midsummerp218
Showing 151 to 200 of 307 entries