The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

When Man Ignores His Inner God [reprint from Journal of The Theosophical Society Madras June 1884]HPBy2003v3i7May+p4
Outside PeopleWQ Judgey2003v3i7May+p4
Self MasteryMastery2003v3i7May+p4
Mahatmas and Chelas [reprint from The Theosophist Vol V No 10 July 1884]HP Blavatskyy2003v3i7May+p5
What is Theosophy?Schopenhauery2003v3i7May+p6
Controversy Between HP Blavatsky and the Abbe Roca (1) [reprint from Le Lotus 1887]Abbe Roca, HP Blavatskyy2003v3i7May+p7
Nosegay of Quotes for White Lotus Dayvariousy2003v3i7Mayp15
Point Out the Way (30)John Garriguesy2003v3i7Mayp20
Letter: To Mrs FernstromJGy2003v3i7May+p22
The Coffee Klatch (28)anony2003v3i7Mayp23
Bertrand Russell's Ten CommandmentsBertrand Russelly2003v3i7Mayp23
Letter: To Miss Trippett [1924]HN Stokesy2003v3i7Mayp24
Rex Lucisanony2003v3i7Mayp26
Letter: To Miss Trippett [1925]HN Stokesy2003v3i7Mayp26
The Yogi's Storyanony2003v3i7Mayp28
The True Raja Yogianony2003v3i7Mayp30
Outwardly Creatures of a DaySteven Leveyy2003v3i7Mayp30
Dnyaneshvari (29)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2003v3i7Mayp33
Reply to Madame Blavatsky's Observations on Christian Esotericism [reprint from Le Lotus Vol II No 11 February 1888]Abbe Rocay2003v3i8June+p1
Prevision as Easy to Cultivate as Memory [reprint from The Theosophist Jan 1883]anony2003v3i8June+p1
review: 'The Holographic Universe' by Michael Talbotanony2003v3i8Junep1
Reply to the Mistaken Conceptions of the Abbe Roca Concerning My Observations on Christian Esotericism [reprint from Le Lotus April 1888]HP Blavatskyy2003v3i8June+p9
Point Out the Way (31)John Garriguesy2003v3i8Junep9
The Coffee Klatch (29)anony2003v3i8Junep12
Letter: To JeromeCostasy2003v3i8Junep14
Letter: To JeromeCostasy2003v3i8Junep15
Letter: To Costasanony2003v3i8Junep15
George Washington Carveranony2003v3i8Junep17
What is Theosophy? [reprint from The Theosophist Vol III Aug 1882]Paramahansay2003v3i8Junep18
Dnyaneshvari (30)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2003v3i8Junep19
A Few Comments on Kundalini Energyvariousy2003v3i8June+p20
review: 'God: The Evidence' by Patrick Glynnanony2003v3i8Junep21
Passivity and Its Dangersanony2003v3i8June+p24
Clarifying the MindRobert Crosbiey2003v3i8June+p26
The Sleeping Spheres (2) [reprint from The Canadian Theosophist]Jasper Niemandy2003v3i9Jul+p1
Misconceptions - Reply to the Article "Revolution" by Aleph [reprint from Le Lotus 1887]HP Blavatskyy2003v3i9Julp1
Analects of Solonanony2003v3i9Jul+p14
Point Out the Way (32)John Garriguesy2003v3i9Julp14
Reply of Abbe Roca to Madame Blavatsky's Allegations Against Christian Esotericism [reprint Le Lotus June 1888]Abbe Rocay2003v3i9Jul+p15
The Coffee Klatch (30)anony2003v3i9Julp17
Letter: To Costasanony2003v3i9Julp18
Dnyaneshvari (31)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2003v3i9Julp19
Guest Editorial: Notes for the Duty ArticleJany2003v3i9Julp21
Activism and Patience [extracts from NewHeavenNewEarth]David Sunfellowy2003v3i9Julp22
Questions to and About TheosophistsSLy2003v3i9Julp23
Quotable Quotes from "The Sleeping Spheres"Jasper Niemandy2003v3i9Julp25
The Sleeping Spheres (1) [reprint from The Canadian Theosophist 1953]Jasper Niemand, William B Roos (preface)y2003v3i9Julp26
Quotable QuotesHPBy2003v3i9Jul+p27
A Living Universeanony2003v3i9Julp29
Showing 451 to 500 of 3398 entries