The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Aquarian Theosophist

Cyclic Evolution and Karmaanony2004v4i6Aprp1
Explanations Relative to the Controversy on Occultism [reprint Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Scientifique 1883]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i6Apr+p3
The Elixir of Life [reprint from A Chela's Diary]Godolphin Mitfordy2004v4i6Aprp7
Point Out the Way (40)John Garriguesy2004v4i6Apr+p10
Dnyaneshvari (39)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2004v4i6Apr+p12
John of God in Brazil: Going ThereRobert Pellegrino-Estrichy2004v4i6Apr+p16
Natalya's X-Ray Visionanony2004v4i6Apr+p19
Letter: We Are the PeopleKim Antieauy2004v4i6Aprp19
"Tharana" or MesmerismN Chidambaramy2004v4i6Apr+p20
Fohat, the Logoi, and Spiritual Evolutionanony2004v4i6Aprp21
Wordings (vf)anony2004v4i6Aprp21
Mid-Life/Genuine-LifeSteven Leveyy2004v4i6Aprp21
Aung San Suu Kyi: Locked Inside Burmaanony2004v4i6Apr+p23
The Stone-Cold Mother [SD II]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i6Aprp24
The Monk in the Lab [reprint from New York Times]Tenzin Gyatso (Dalai Lama)y2004v4i6Aprp24
Spirit and Matter [reprint from Secret Doctrine I 450]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i6Aprp24
Phallicism versus Space, Relationship versus Unity [extract Kabalah and Kabalists]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i6Aprp26
Correspondence: Jesus in Indiaanony2004v4i6Apr+p26
Correspondence: God in Ecuadoranony2004v4i6Apr+p26
Fragments From HPB: On Cycles and Modern Fallacies [extract Lucifer 1896]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i6Aprp28
Fragments From HPB: Avataras [extract Lucifer 1896]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i6Aprp28
Fragments From HPB: Initiations [extract Lucifer 1896]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i6Aprp29
Dawn's Ray (vf)anony2004v4i6Aprp30
Katha Upanishadanony2004v4i7May+p1
Ancient Opinions Upon Psychic BodiesCC Masseyy2004v4i7Mayp1
The Nilgiri SannyasisEH Morgany2004v4i7Mayp5
Invisible Livesanony2004v4i7Mayp6
The Mystery of Water - Memory of WaterLucy Pringley2004v4i7Mayp8
Isa Upanishad [translated by J Mascaro]anony2004v4i7May+p8
Point Out the Way (41)John Garriguesy2004v4i7May+p9
The Coffee Klatch (37)anony2004v4i7Mayp16
Dnyaneshvari (40)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2004v4i7May+p17
Pistis Sophia [reprint from Lucifer Vol VI p 495-96]anony2004v4i7Mayp18
Second Livesanony2004v4i7Mayp19
The Religion of Solidarity (1)Edward Bellamyy2004v4i7Mayp20
The Office of Philosophy [extract from Philosophers and Philosophicules]anony2004v4i7May+p23
The Non-Local Field of Consciousnessanony2004v4i7May+p24
Global Consciousness Projectanony2004v4i7May+p24
The New Cycle [reprint from La Revue Theosophique Vol I No 1 21 March 1889]HP Blavatskyy2004v4i8Junp1
A Few Notes on the Three Gunas [extract Dream of Ravan]anony2004v4i8Jun+p1
Gunas, Moods and Mental Afflictionsanony2004v4i8Jun+p4
Our Ideas on God [reprint from Mahatma Letters ML 88]anony2004v4i8Junp7
Portraits of the Three Qualitiesanony2004v4i8Jun+p7
Phlogiston and Nisus [extract]KHy2004v4i8Junp7
Our Ideas on Evil [reprint from Mahatma Letters ML 88]anony2004v4i8Junp9
Point out the Way (42)John Garriguesy2004v4i8Jun+p9
Dnyaneshvari (41)Dnaneshwara Maharajy2004v4i8Jun+p14
The Coffee Klatch (38)anony2004v4i8Junp14
The Phlogiston TheoryJim Loyy2004v4i8Junp15
Bronson Alcott on the Geeta [reprint from Bronson Alcott Journals 10 May 1846]anony2004v4i8Junp18
Showing 701 to 750 of 3398 entries