reply to "Truth Serum" | The Editor | y1932 | v2 | - | November | p938 |
Out of the Everywhere | various | y1932 | v2 | - | November | p940 |
frontispiece - They Said HE was "impractical" | Howard Giles & Frederic Suhr | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p952 |
A Virile Christ (vf) | Rex Boundy | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p953 |
The Future of the Theosophical Society | Annie Besant | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p954 |
Cross & Fire (rprnt 'Theosophist') | HP Blavatsky (Nov 1879) | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p955 |
The Occult Nature of Sacraments (rprnt Esoteric Christianity) | Annie Besant | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p958 |
Tributes to Dr Besant on her birthday October 1 1932 | CJ, RA, GS Arundale | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p962 |
The Christ Principle | Adrian Vereker | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p968 |
The Rhythm of the Higher Life | Anna Kamensky | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p969 |
The Innermost (vf) | JC Johnston | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p971 |
Gotama, The Buddha, & Jesus, the Christ (rprnt The Standard) | Alfred W Martin | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p972 |
Angelic Service (vf) | anonymous | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p977 |
Edwin Arnold | Emerson Arnold | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p978 |
Memories of Colonel Olcott (5) | Marie R Hotchener | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p981 |
God & the Materialist (vf) | AC Hanlon | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p985 |
Powers Latent in Man | EL Gardner | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p986 |
Silence (vf) | Whitney Castle | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p991 |
The Problem of Suicide | Axel Emil Gibson | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p992 |
The Pilot (vf) | Lillian Candler | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p994 |
Thoughts on Christ Consciousness | Edith Fairchild Holt | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p995 |
The Belief in Reincarnation | RF Goudey | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p997 |
Taking Stock | Fra Domenico | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1001 |
Curious Dreams | Leonard Bosman | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1003 |
Thinking with Thinkers - Religion & Reconstruction | C Jinarajadasa | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1006 |
Spiritual Education | HIH Alexander | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1008 |
Collective Responsibility | Percy M Dawson | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1009 |
Self-Development & Power | LW Rogers | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1009 |
Health (Nicotine) | various | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1011 |
The Heights (vf) | Isabel Spelman Devereux | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1016 |
review - The Enduring Quest by HA Overstreet | Alexander Horne | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1017 |
Over the Wide World | Editor | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1022 |
Ltte - Influenza Treatment | GMS | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1026 |
Out of the Everywhere | various | y1932 | v2 | - | December | p1028 |
frontispiece - The Soul's Struggle | Robert P Baker | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p2 |
Art (rprnt Indian Ideals) | Annie Besant | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p3 |
The Sons of Fire (vf) | Mary Morris Duane | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p8 |
Theosophy in Art | C Jinarajadasa | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p9 |
Questions & Answers Meeting - GSA, Marie Poutz, Josephine Ransom, GH | various | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p13 |
The Theosophical Society is composed of students, belonging to any religion in the world or to none, ... | Annie Besant | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p19 |
Mysticism & Music | Frank L Reed | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p20 |
Michael Angelo (notes from Emerson's Essays) | Ralph W Emerson | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p25 |
Bird's Eye (vf) | Elwin Hughes | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p31 |
The Survival of the Fittest | Frances X Kadow | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p32 |
A Visit to the Studio of Kahlil Gibran (shortly after his death, April 10 1931) | H Douglas Wild | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p33 |
(bw plate) - The Greater Traveler | Kahlil Gibran | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p34b+ |
(bw plate) - The Tree of Life | Kahlil Gibran | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p34a+ |
Herein is Love (vf) | Susie M Best | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p38 |
The Occultism of Painting & Music | Marie R Hotchener | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p39 |
Slaves of Karma (vf) | George Burt Lake | y1933 | v3 | - | January | p46 |