The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Articles by HP Blavatsky

Kosmic Mind [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v13--p4
Dialogue on the Mysteries of the After Life [reprint Lucifer 1889]HP Blavatsky-v13--p19
A Note on "Memory" [reprint Lucifer 1891]HP Blavatsky-v13--p31
The Science of Life [reprint Lucifer 1887]HP Blavatsky-v13--p32
The Mind of Nature [reprint Lucifer 1896]HP Blavatsky-v13--p42
Foreword: HPB on Psychical Phenomena--v14--p1
War in Olympus [reprint Theosophist 1879]HP Blavatsky-v14--p3
The Drift of Western Spiritualism [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v14--p13
Logic versus Peripatetic [reprint Theosophist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v14--p16
Queries and Answers [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v14--p22
Intro-version of Mental Vision [reprint Theosophist 1884]HP Blavatsky-v14--p29
Hypnotism, and its Relations to Other Modes of Fascination [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v14--p32
A Case of Obsession [reprint Theosophist 1880]HP Blavatsky-v14--p40
Foreword: Theosophy and The Theosophical Movement--v15--p1
The Theosophical Society: Its Mission and Its Future [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v15--p3
A Society Without Dogma [reprint Spiritualist 1878]HP Blavatsky-v15--p18
Recent Progress in Theosophy [reprint North American Review 1890]HP Blavatsky-v15--p23
To the Readers of 'Lucifer' [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v15--p37
Why the "Vahan"? [reprint Vahan 1890]HP Blavatsky-v15--p42
Foreword: Teachers and Disciples--v16--p1
Lodges of Magic [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v16--p4
Mahatmas and Chelas [reprint Theosophist 1884]HP Blavatsky-v16--p10
Are Chelas "Mediums"? [reprint Theosophist 1884]HP Blavatsky-v16--p12
Chelas [reprint Theosophist 1884]HP Blavatsky-v16--p16
The Theosophical Mahatmas [reprint Path 1886]HP Blavatsky-v16--p18
Chelas and Lay Chelas [reprint Theosophist 1883]HP Blavatsky-v16--p25
Madame Blavatsky on "The Himalayan Brothers" [reprint Spiritualist 1881]HP Blavatsky-v16--p32
Can the Mahatmas be Selfish? [reprint Theosophist 1884]HP Blavatsky-v16--p38
Foreword: The Psychology of Reincarnation--v17--p1
Life and Death [reprint Lucifer 1892]HP Blavatsky-v17--p3
Theories About Reincarnation and Spirits [reprint Path 1886]HP Blavatsky-v17--p13
The Universe in a Nut-Shell [reprint Theosophist 1882]HP Blavatsky-v17--p29
Foreword: Soul, Life, and Sevenfold Man--v18--p1
The Popular Idea of Soul-Survival [reprint Theosophist 1879]HP Blavatsky-v18--p3
Classification of "Principles" [reprint Theosophist 1887]HP Blavatsky-v18--p13
Re-Classification of Principles [reprint Theosophist 1887]HP Blavatsky-v18--p24
Transmigration of the Life Atoms [reprint Theosophist 1883]HP Blavatsky-v18--p29
The Life Principle [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v18--p37
Foreword: Morality and Religion--v19--p1
A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise Man [reprint Theosophist 1883]HP Blavatsky-v19--p3
Editorial Comment [reprint Lucifer 1887]HP Blavatsky-v19--p14
Theosophy of Jesuitism? [reprint Lucifer 1888]HP Blavatsky-v19--p18
Leo Tolstoi and his Unecclesiastical Christianity [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v19--p32
Diagnoses and Palliatives [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v19--p40
Foreword: Gods and Elementals--v20--p1
Elementals [reprint Lucifer 1893]HP Blavatsky-v20--p4
Thoughts on the Elementals [reprint Lucifer 1890]HP Blavatsky-v20--p41
Foreword: Tibetan Teachings--v21--p1
Esoteric Axioms and Spiritual Speculations [reprint Theosophist 1882]HP Blavatsky-v21--p3
Editorial Appendix [reprint Theosophist 1882]HP Blavatsky-v21--p7
Showing 51 to 100 of 201 entries