A Year's Work (see p3: source of "3000 copies" figure) | anon | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p2 |
Fragments of Letters from "A Blind" to "A Mute" (1) | The Mute | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p4 |
From Shadow to Light | Otiosus | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p7 |
("The sage is the man who finds ...") (rprnt, `Irish Theosophist`, Sept 15th 1896) | Mrs JWL Keightley | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p8 |
Theosophy (3) Permanent & Transitory Natures of Man | TW Willans | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p9 |
Arts & Sciences of Past Civilizations - Astronomy | F Strafford | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p12 |
That Everlasting Personal Equation (extract from an article) | JD Buck | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p14 |
Australian Activities - Central Lodge | anon | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p15 |
Milk O! | anon | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p16 |
Supplement `Australian Theosophist` - Index (to v1) `Magic` & Australian Theosophist | anon | y1897 | v2 | - | November | p16a+ |
(editorial) (The Annual Conv. of Branches of the TS in Australasia NSW ...) | TWW | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p18 |
Australia is geographically situated in a corner of the earth a long way from everybody | TW Willans | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p19 |
filler - `Voice of the Silence` | HPB | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p20 |
Notes & News from Abroad (`Theosophy` has become `Universal Brotherhood`) | Emily I Willans | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p20 |
Theosophy (4) Permanent & Transitory Natures of Man | TW Willans | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p23 |
Theosophical Society in Australia (New South Wales) Third Annual Convention | anon | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p25 |
Australian Activities - Central Lodge - Harmony Lodge | anon | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p30 |
Notice (v1, `Australian Theosophist` now available, bound in purple cloth for 5/-.) | anon | y1897 | v2 | - | December | p32 |
(editorial) | TWW | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p33 |
The War of the Ages | Emily I Willans | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p34 |
Arts & Sciences of Past Civilizations - Astrology | F Strafford | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p36 |
Theosophical Society in Australia (New South Wales) Third Annual Convention | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p39 |
Western Gems | RW Emerson | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p40 |
Theosophy (5) Permanent & Transitory Natures of Man | TW Willans | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p41 |
I'm weary of conjectures - this must end 'em (vf) | Addison | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p42 |
The International Brotherhood League | Chas. M Hudson | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p43 |
Our Relations to Others (`Counsels & Maxims`) | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p44 |
Universal Brotherhood (rprnt `New Century`) | FMP | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p44 |
The untouched soul (from `The Katha Upanishad`) | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p46 |
Freedom (rprnt `Universal Brotherhood`) | Walt Whitman | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p47 |
Australian Activities - Central Lodge | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p48 |
Notice | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | January | p48 |
(editorial) | TWW | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p49 |
filler - "Press On" | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p50 |
Lo Here! & Lo There! (rprntd `The Path` April 1889) | Harij (= Jirah D Buck) | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p51 |
The Ideal (vf) (rprnt `The Century`) | Katharine Lee Bates | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p56 |
Theosophy (6) Permanent & Transitory Natures of Man | TW Willans | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p57 |
The Needs of the Hour | TWW | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p59 |
Arts & Sciences of Past Civilizations - Manufactures | F Strafford | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p60 |
The International Brotherhood League | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p62 |
Australian Activities - Central Lodge | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p64 |
News & Notes at Home & Abroad | anon | y1898 | v2 | - | February | p64 |