Krishnaji | JJ van der Leeuw | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p69 |
Advent Song (vf) | Annie Besant | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p69 |
The Second Coming of Christ (2) | RJ Campbell | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p71 |
Self-Preparation Group | D Rajagopal | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p73 |
American Appreciation of Krishnamurti [reprint 'World Herald'] | anon | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p74 |
A Cameo [reprint 'New York World'] | anon | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p75 |
Shall We Accept Him? | George S Arundale | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p75 |
State Reports: New South Wales | Mason Beatty | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p76 |
State Reports: Queensland | Annie I Rowett | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p76 |
On Taking Christ Seriously [reprint 'The Christian Century'] | A Maude Royden | y1927 | v1 | i8 | Jan | p77 |
Self-Denial Month | George S Arundale | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p81 |
The Daily Remembrance | Doris Gowlland | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p82 |
America Calls for Krishnaji [reprint 'The Server' December] | Fritz Kunz | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p82 |
Now That He is Come JJ van der Leeuw | - | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p83 |
China Observant | anon | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p88 |
The Star in England | anon | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p88 |
Self-Preparation | George S Arundale | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p89 |
Islam and the Christ | Abdul Karim | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p89 |
The Return of the Messiah in Fiction | anon | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p90 |
The New Messiah's Appeal to the Pope [extract from 'The Master Christian'] | Marie Corelli | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p90 |
Discipleship: The Art of Learning | anon | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p92 |
Star Work in Norway Lilly Heber | - | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p93 |
State Reports: New South Wales | Edward Branscombe | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p94 |
A Modern Parable [reprint 'Manchester Guardian'] | anon | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p94 |
State Reports: Victoria | John A Farquharson | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p94 |
The Descent of the Avatar (vf) [reprint 'The Server'] | AED | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p95 |
Christ's Returning (vf) | CK Ketteringham | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p95 |
Spiritual Evolution | anon | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p96 |
The Interests of Women [reprint 'The Server'] | Fritz Kunz | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p96 |
His Coming (vf) | anon | y1927 | v1 | i9 | Feb | p96 |
The Active Service Fund: Only 2/6 a Week! | George S Arundale | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p97 |
Self-Denial | Krishnaji | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p99 |
Ojai, January 11th 1927 | Mrs Rogers | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p101 |
The World Teacher is Here [reprint 'Los Angeles Examiner' Jan, 1927] | Annie Besant | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p102 |
The Work of the Three Centres Emily Lutyens | - | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p103 |
Some Future Activities in the Ojai Valley [reprint 'The Ojai' 21 Jan 1927] | anon | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p106 |
The New Civilization | Annie Besant | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p107 |
Organizing Committee | anon | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p111 |
Mrs Besant's New Christ | Mark Andrew | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p111 |
Australians in Holland | anon | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p112 |
The Real Christ [reprint 'Nirvana'] | George S Arundale | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p112 |
State Reports: New South Wales | Edward Branscombe | y1927 | v1 | i10 | Mar | p112 |
Star Finances Marcella R Clarke; George S Arundale | - | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p113 |
A Statement by the General Secretary-Treasurer | D Rajogopal | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p114 |
A Star League of Parents | Emily Lutyens | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p115 |
The Coming of the World-Teacher (1) [lecture at Queen's Hall London] | Annie Besant | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p117 |
The Face of the Lord [reprint 'The Herald of the Star'] | C Jinarajadasa | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p122 |
The Coming of the World Teacher [reprint 'China Press'] | anon | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p124 |
State Reports: New South Wales | Edward Branscombe | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p125 |
State Reports: Brisbane | anon | y1927 | v1 | i11 | Apr | p126 |