Dag Hammarskjold: A Forerunner | Deirdre Parker | y1980 | v48 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p240 |
The Hidden Planets And Their Ray Attributes | William Janes | y1980 | v48 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p243 |
Some Thoughts On The Problem Of Evil | Charles De Motte | y1980 | v48 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p247 |
A Moral And Spiritual Dimension | Robert Mullen | y1980 | v48 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p249 |
A Vision of the Future | Lesley Cooke | y1980 | v48 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p252 |
Things To Come | Foster Bailey | y1980 | v48 | i8 | Mar-Apr | p254 |
Relationship | Editorial | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p257 |
Christ The Preserver | Djwhal Khul | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p259 |
Right Human Relationships | Mary Bailey | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p262 |
Faith | Michael Srigley | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p268 |
Modern Esotericism | Foster Bailey | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p269 |
Values To Live By | - | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p272 |
Robert Andrews Millikan: A Forerunner I | Ingrid Naiman | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p275 |
Frederick Winslow Taylor: A Forerunner II | William E. Simons | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p279 |
Thou Art Peter | Evelyn M. Holt | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p282 |
Meditation and the United Nations | Brian Arrowsmith | y1980 | v48 | i9 | May-Jun | p283 |
Crisis/Tension Emergence | Editorial | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p289 |
Ashramic Adjustment To Exoteric Living - Part I | Djwhal Khul | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p291 |
The Work Of Triangles | Mary Bailey | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p296 |
Is The Sermon On The Mount Relevant Today? | Judy Hall | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p303 |
Meaning And Oneness | Evelyn M. Holt | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p307 |
Nikola Tesla - A Forerunner | Peter Tyler | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p310 |
The Appointed Time Draws Nigh | June Von Mazo | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p313 |
The Problem Of Capital, Labour And Employment | Stanford Merrifield | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p315 |
The Heresy Of Separativeness - The Major Sin Upon Our Planet | A Student | y1980 | v48 | i10 | Jul-Aug | p317 |
There Are More Things | Editorial | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p321 |
Ashramic Adjustment To Exoteric Living - Part II | Djwhal Khul | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p323 |
A Centre Of Love And Light In The World | Mary Bailey | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p328 |
Percy Harrison Fawcett: A Forerunner - Part I | Timothy Paterson | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p333 |
A Programme For Survival | Vivien Van Dam | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p339 |
Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory | Mary Bailey | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p341 |
A Ritual Chant From The Tainui House Of Learning | - | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p344 |
Service | Vivien Van Dam | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p345 |
Karma and the Animal Kingdom | Christine Townend | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p347 |
The Significance Of Visualisation | Stanford Merrifield | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p349 |
Esoteric Training And Psychic Unfoldment | A Student | y1980 | v48 | i11 | Sep-Oct | p350 |
The Rising Light | Editorial | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p353 |
The Great Ashram Of Sanat Kumara | Djwhal Khul | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p354 |
The Task Of Developing The Will To Good On Earth | Mary Bailey | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p357 |
Percy Harrison Fawcett: A Forerunner - Part II | Timothy Paterson | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p362 |
The Threefold Message Of Christmas | Dr. Arnold Michael | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p368 |
Christ In The Human Heart | Jane Brewin | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p376 |
Beethoven's Ninth | Brian Arrowsmith | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p379 |
A Step Foreward | Brian Arrowsmith | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p380 |
Hierarchy | A Student | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p382 |
The Right And Left Hand Of Perfection | A Student | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p383 |
Consciousness | A Student | y1980 | v48 | i12 | Nov-Dec | p384 |
Moving Into The Future | Editorial | y1981 | v49 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p1 |
Preparing For The Restoration of the Plan | Djwhal Khul | y1981 | v49 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p3 |
Sound: The Inner Ear: The Inner Sound, Part I - Sound | Brian Arrowsmith | y1981 | v49 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p5 |