Penury of the Heart | May Milligan | y1943 | v22 | i5 | August | p138 |
Visions | Margaret G. St. John | y1943 | v22 | i5 | August | p139 |
Parables On Weaving In The Light | A Student | y1943 | v22 | i5 | August | p149 |
Space - Point Symbols: Evoked by The Moment of the Wesak Full Moon, 1943 | H. J. McCurrach | y1943 | v22 | i5 | August | p151 |
Eight Rules For The Prevention Of Gossip | Miriam E. Brailey | y1943 | v22 | i5 | August | p156 |
Darjeeling (A Poem) | K. Stiles | y1943 | v22 | i5 | August | p156 |
On Our Book Shelf: The Wisdom of the Overself (Reviewed by W.G.C.) | Paul Brunton | y1943 | v22 | i5 | August | p157 |
The Watchers (A Poem) | Lucile Chandler | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p162 |
My Work | The Tibetan | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p163 |
Shangri-La No Myth (Excerpt, N.Y. Times) | W. M. Richard | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p173 |
Some Concepts Of Scientific Humanism | Oliver L./Blodwen Reiser/Davies | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p175 |
The Cultivation Of Impersonality | P. K. Thomajan | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p183 |
A Citizen of the World | Violet Carell | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p184 |
On Our Bookshelf: Live After Death (Reviewed by Anna Pierce) | Gustav Theodor Fechner | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p188 |
Blue-Print For Peace (Excerpts) | Sumner Welles | y1943 | v22 | i6 | September | p191 |
Speak To Us Of Children (Excerpt From 'The Prophet') | Laj;o; Gobram | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p194 |
How Can Our Schools Enrich The Spiritual Experience Of Their Students? | William E. Hacking | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p195 |
Longing For The New Day (A Poem) | Mary Ellis Robins | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p206 |
Education For World Unity | Oliver L. Reiser | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p207 |
Back Of Physico-Chemistry | George H. Paelian | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p211 |
Music Principles Evoked by Oppositions | Charles M. Hobbs | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p214 |
Sparks From The Flame Of Youth: Mathematics As A Spiritual Tool | D | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p218 |
Sparks From The Flame Of Youth: A Memorial To Saunders Draper | Paul Draper | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p219 |
Sparks From The Flame Of Youth: What Have I Given To Life? | anon | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p219 |
What Youth Instinctively Loves In Mathematics | M.C. | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p220 |
Progress (A Poem) Reprint | Matthew Arnold | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p221 |
To Youth - Who Will Build The New Age (Editorial) | Anne Pierce | y1943 | v22 | i7 | October | p221 |
Humanity and the Avatar, 1943 (A Poem) | Phyllis M. Sharpe | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p226 |
The Human Spirit Can Win The Peace | Colby Dorr Dam | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p227 |
Forward March! | H.B. | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p232 |
Baroque And Renaissance | Peter Fingesten | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p234 |
The Music Of Tomorrow | G. H. Paelian | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p239 |
Artists And Diets | Margaret G. St. John | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p243 |
Streamline Your Consciousness | P. K. Thomajan | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p249 |
On Our Book Shelf: Yoga For You (Reviewed by F. B. Gerhard) | Claude Bragdon | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p254 |
Esotericism And Machinery: The Meditation of a War Worker (II) Patterns Of Group Purpose | anon | y1943 | v22 | i8 | November | p260 |
The Sun (A Poem - Reprint) | Clara Shipman | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p258 |
The Christmas Rose | Charles M. Hobbs | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p259 |
The Kinship Of Youth And Poetry | Ameilia H. Munion | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p268 |
What The Piano May Mean To A Child | May Milligan | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p273 |
Global Thinking | Alan Murray | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p276 |
The Lord's Prayer | Virginia C. Clapp | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p279 |
Thoughts On A Discipleship Meditation | Carol Ennis | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p280 |
A Holy Christmas (Editorial) | A.P. | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p285 |
On Our Book Shelf: The Evolution of a Biological Faith (Reviewed by Anne Pierce) | Ethel S. Dummer | y1943 | v22 | i9 | December | p286 |
Esoteric Resolutions For The New Year (Reprint) | H. P. Blavatsky | y1944 | v22 | i10 | January | p290 |
The Law Of Rebirth | Gail Grant | y1944 | v22 | i10 | January | p291 |
The Philosophy Of Love | Colby Dorr Dam | y1944 | v22 | i10 | January | p297 |
Errors And Self Condemnation | Louise B. Fergus | y1944 | v22 | i10 | January | p307 |
Thoughts On A Discipleship Meditation (Concluded) | Carol Ennis | y1944 | v22 | i10 | January | p309 |