Space, Men, Spiritually Considered (Excerpt) | Time, New York | y1958 | v37 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p102 |
The Cerebral Control Of Power | Kenneth Marsden | y1958 | v37 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p103 |
Processes And Symbols of the Zodiac | The Most Holy Trinosophia | y1958 | v37 | i4 | Jun-Jul | p106 |
It Is Pleasant To Stand On The Hill Of Truth | Francis Bacon | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p17a+ |
Basic Qualities Of Leo | The Tibetan | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p110 |
The Labours Of Hercules - The Purpose Of Study of the Hercules Myth | Alice A. Bailey | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p111 |
The June Full Moon Of 1958 | Commander Walter M. Wynne, U.S.N. | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p120 |
Equilibrated Motion | Frances Adams Moore | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p123 |
The Mother of the World | John Sinclair | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p124 |
There's A Mystery In My Field Of Wheat (Extracts) (News Chronicle, London) | Lawrence Easterbrook | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p129 |
Transcending Mass Consciousness | Frances Segraves | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p131 |
Heart - The Temple Of Humanity | Alexia de Bie | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p137 |
The Yeast and the West | Carol Ennis | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p139 |
The Summit of the Leo Experience | Dane Rudhyar | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p141 |
Invocation of the Spirit Of Peace | N.M. | y1958 | v37 | i6 | Aug-Sep | p143 |
The Soul's Victory | George D. Herron | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p17a+ |
The Place Of Judgement | The Tibetan | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p146 |
The Necessity For Self-Exertion | Alice A. Bailey | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p147 |
Let The Plan Of Love And Light Work Out | Mary W. Turner | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p155 |
The Mother of the World (Concluded From Aug-Sept Issue) | John Sinclair | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p161 |
The Reality of the Return | M. E. Haselhurst | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p168 |
What Is In The Freezer For Tomorrow? | Carol Ennis | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p170 |
A Link Between Two Worlds | Nancy Magor | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p176 |
Ease - The Gift Of Libra | Dane Rudhyar | y1958 | v37 | i7 | October | p179 |
Struggle And Triumph In Scorpio | The Tibetan | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p180 |
Cause And Effect In World Events | A. J. Rydholm | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p181 |
Africa Today | Foster Bailey | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p185 |
Pass The Difference, Please | Carol Ennis | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p189 |
The Spiritual Will | Frances Segraves | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p192 |
A Testimony To The Etheric Body | Glyn Phillips | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p198 |
Esoteric Reading of the Scriptures | H. M. Felkin | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p204 |
Of Reading The Holy Scriptures | Thomas A Kempis | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p206 |
The Cultivation Of Synthetic Sensitivity | Kenneth Marsden | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p207 |
The Staff Of Life On The Path Of Life | Glada C. Cummings | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p209 |
Book Note - 'The Family Of Man' | - | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p211 |
Note From The Editor | - | y1958 | v37 | i8 | November | p211 |
Anne Pierce | - | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p216 |
Editorial | Editorial | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p217 |
Agents Of Destiny - Avatars | Francis Merchant | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p219 |
The Occult Importance Of Music | William C. Ray | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p227 |
Some Questions Answered | The Tibetan | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p231 |
United Nations Day Message Of Charles Malik | - | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p234 |
Christ's Imminent Return | W. H. Davies | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p235 |
On Using The Great Invocation | Jane Hoppe | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p242 |
Universal Christ | Raul Jose Fajardo | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p244 |
Transition: A Compilation From The Tibetan | - | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p246 |
For Such Is The Kingdom Of Heaven | - | y1958 | v37 | i9 | December | p248 |
Editorial - Purpose And Need | Editorial | y1959 | v38 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p1 |
The Spiritual Regeneration Of Money And Economics | Djwhal Khul | y1959 | v38 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p2 |
World Peace In This Atomic Age | Saint Kirpal Singh | y1959 | v38 | i1 | Jan-Feb | p7 |