The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Blavatsky Lectures

Paramitas of PerfectionMuriel Dawy1987----
The Universal Yoga TraditionRadha Burniery1988----
Theosophy, A Perennial Wisdom for a New AgeYves Marcely1989----
Blavatsky, Freemasonry and the Western Mystery TraditionJohn Algeoy1996----
Mirages in Western Science Resolved by Occult ScienceEdi D Bilimoriay1997----
Science, Consciousness and the ParanormalArthur Ellisony1998----
The Soul's ImperativeHarold Tarny1999----
Creating the New Age: Theosophy's Origins in the British IslesMichael Gomesy2000----
Theosophy: Its Beneficent PotentialitiesGeoffrey A Farthingy2001----
The Harvest of LifeAlan Hughesy2002----
Joyful Gnosis: The Approach of HP BlavatskyStephan Hoellery2003----
Living Truth: The Future of the Theosophical SocietyRadha Burniery2005----
The Virtuous KeyBetty Blandy2006----
Colonel Olcott and the Healing ArtsMichael Gomesy2007----
Esoteric Philosophy: The Theosophical JanusJohn Gordony2008----
The Cycle of LifeColin F Pricey2009----
The Multitudinous Universe - The Blavatsky Lecture at 100Michael Gomesy2017----
Showing 51 to 67 of 67 entries