The Advantages of Theosophy (rprnt The Australian Theosophist | CW Leadbeater | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p133 |
The Order of the Star in the East | anon | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p139 |
Camp Fire Talk - extract | J Krishnamurti | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p141 |
Extracts from Bishop Arundale’s Letters | GSA | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p142 |
From Far & Wide in the TS - various | anon | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p145 |
A Visit to Hunedioara | EFD Bertram | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p151 |
Himalayan Sonnets (1) Sunrise on Kinchinjunga (vf) | James H Cousins | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p153 |
Himalayan Sonnets (2) On the Road to Shigatze (vf) | James H Cousins | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p153 |
Islam or the Science of Peace | Jean Delaire | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p154 |
The Theosophical News Bureau | R Henry-Waetjen | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p159 |
The Fellowship of Pioneers | anon | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p162 |
A Theosophical Caravan | George S Arundale | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p164 |
obituary - Miss O. James | GH | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p165 |
From this side to that | GH | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p165 |
obituary - Mrs Musaeus Higgins | GH | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p165 |
obituary - Mr Arthur Burgess | GH | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p165 |
obituary - Miss E Wilder | GH | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p165 |
What the World is Saying | APG | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p167 |
The Theosophical Book Association for the Blind | FA Baker | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p168 |
Krshnashrama | FGP | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p169 |
Brahmavidya Ashrama, Adyar | James H Cousins | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p169 |
Karnataka Theosophical Federation | anon | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p170 |
Want to go to China? | Dorothy M Arnold | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p171 |
Book Notes | anon | y1926 | v19 | - | October | p172 |
[Feb, March; May, June; Aug, Sept; Nov, Dec; likely not issued] | - | y1926 | v19 | - | - | - |
From the Editor | E. | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p1 |
The Meaning & Reality of the Spiritual Life (extracts from The Herald of the Star | James I. Wedgwood | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p5 |
Preparation for Death - a letter | C Jinarajadasa | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p11 |
Afterthoughts | FG Pearce | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p13 |
From Far & Wide in the TS - various | anon | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p14 |
The Order of the Star in the East (from Editorial Notes in The Herald of the Star - Dec 1926) | anon | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p20 |
Occultism, Old & New | MWB | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p23 |
"Peace Through Youth" | Axel von Fielitz-Coniar | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p26 |
The Spirit of Humanitarian Conduct | C Jinarajadasa | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p28 |
Summer School at Mezenin, Poland | Sybil Marguerite Warner | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p29 |
Brahmavidya Ashrama, Adyar | JHC | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p30 |
The Shopman (vf) | EC Lauder | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p31 |
Work of National & International Correspondence League | E Nicolau | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p33 |
Order of the Round Table in India | anon | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p34 |
Book Notices | anon | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p36 |
obituary - AW Maurais | K. | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p37 |
obituary - Y Srinivasa | K. | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p37 |
From this side to that | K. | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p37 |
obituary - Mrs Baillie Weaver | K. | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p37 |
obituary - NG Paranjpe | K. | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p37 |
Science Notes | CJ | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p38 |
Spanish Fraternity in Education | () | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p39 |
From a Monthly Letter to Young Australia (rprnt Advance Australia | George S Arundale | y1927 | v20 | - | January | p40 |
From the Editor | anon | y1927 | v20 | - | April | p41 |
The Star Meeting at Krotona, Ojai, Calif, Dec 1926 (rprnt The Herald of the Star | Annie Besant | y1927 | v20 | - | April | p45 |