Lodge Notes | JA McLaughlin | y1959 | v40 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p61 |
General Executive Annual Meeting | ELT | y1959 | v40 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p62 |
The Theosophical Society in Canada Annual Elections 1959 | anon | y1959 | v40 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p62 |
The General Secretary in England | ELT | y1959 | v40 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p63 |
review: 'The Solitary Singer: A Critical Biography of Walt Whitman' by Gay Wilson Allen | JRC | y1959 | v40 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p65 |
The Coming of the Master | BFJ | y1959 | v40 | i3 | Jul-Aug | p66 |
TH Martyn: Fragments of Forgotten (Theosophical) History | JM Prentice | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p73 |
Annual Letter from the United Lodge of Theosophist - June 21-25, 1959 | Parent United Lodge | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p79 |
A Correction ['The Dreamer' was Rajendra Lal Mukergee] | JM Prentice | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p81 |
The Original Programme: (7) Spiritualism | TH Redfern | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p82 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | ELT | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p83 |
In Search of the Miraculous | CMH | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p85 |
Letter | George Cardinal LeGros | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p88 |
A Poet's Dream World | Elsie Pomeroy | y1959 | v40 | i4 | Sep-Oct | p89 |
The God in Man | Iverson L Harris | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p97 |
Some Ideas from the Mysteries | Elouise R Harrison | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p102 |
The Original Programme: (8) Occultism | TH Redfern | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p105 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | ELT | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p107 |
Letter [re review of 'In Search of the Miraculous' by PD Ouspensky] | WE Wilks | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p108 |
Executive Meeting | ELT | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p108 |
Letter [re Reunification] | George Green | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p110 |
Letter [re 'angels', 'seven spirits before the throne'] | Victor Endersby | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p110 |
The Spiritual Significance in Dante's Divine Comedy (2): The World - Inferno | RG Katsunoff | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p112 |
letter - A Protest [re: Katherine Tingley] | Iverson L Harris | y1959 | v40 | i5 | Nov-Dec | p118 |
Individual Responsibility | Mollie Griffith | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p121 |
A New Look at Philo Judaeus | Esme Wynn-Tyson | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p126 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | ELT | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p131 |
Executive Meeting | ELT | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p132 |
The Annual Election | EL Thomson | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p132 |
review: 'On the Nature of Man, an Essay in Primitive Philosophy' by Dagobert D Runes | DWB | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
review: 'The Lost Key to the Scriptures' by Alvin Boyd Kuhn | Ruth Playle | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p133 |
review: 'The Lost Years of Jesus Revealed' by Charles Francis Potter | anon | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p134 |
The Impact of Thought on Matter [reprint 'Quarterly Review'] | anon | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p138 |
A Non-Violent Revolution | anon | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p140 |
It Is Mine | anon | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p141 |
The Appearance of Angels (vf) | John Robert Colombo | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p142 |
Index - The Canadian Theosophist Vol 40 | anon | y1960 | v40 | i6 | Jan-Feb | p143 |
From the Presidential Address: To the 84th International Convention of the Theosophical Society | N Sri Ram | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p1 |
Theosophy and the Universal Basis of Religion | Stephan A Hoeller | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p6 |
Problems | Richard Heinemann | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p8 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | ELT | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p11 |
Reincarnation Notes | anon | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p12 |
Alfred Percy Sinnett - A Fragment of Memory | JM Prentice | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p13 |
The Problem of Sex | Alvin Boyd Kuhn | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p16 |
Practical Occultism | anon | y1960 | v41 | i1 | Mar-Apr | p23 |
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky [reprint 'The Theosophical Path' November 1913] | HT Edge | y1960 | v41 | i2 | May-Jun | p26 |
The Target | DWB | y1960 | v41 | i2 | May-Jun | p33 |
A Remarkable Power [reprint] | Bertram Keightley | y1960 | v41 | i2 | May-Jun | p34 |
Notes and Comments by the General Secretary | ELT | y1960 | v41 | i2 | May-Jun | p35 |
The General Election | ELT | y1960 | v41 | i2 | May-Jun | p35 |