Publications and Study Aids - The Theosophical Book Association for the Blind | anon | y1978 | - | - | August-October | p7 |
Publications and Study Aids - Phoenix Rising [new international quarterly published by International Theosophical Youth Centre] | anon | y1978 | - | - | August-October | p7 |
The Society has completed its 103rd year of activity | Jean Raymond | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p1 |
Retreat on Kathopanishad | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p2 |
Convention 1978 | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p2 |
Mrs Margaret Cousins | Jean Raymond | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p2 |
Dr George Sydney Arundale | Jean Raymond | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p2 |
Intrnational Centre of Theosophical Studies and Research Adyar: January-March 1979 Programme | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p3 |
Foundation Day at Adyar | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p3 |
The Theosophical Order of Service Makes an Appeal | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p3 |
Visitors at Adyar | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p4 |
Dr Besant Memorial Oratorical Contest | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p4 |
New Life for India Movements Seminar | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p4 |
A Sikh Temple in the Theosophical Society Estate | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p5 |
Staff Changes at Adyar | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p5 |
The Madras Federation | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p5 |
Elizabeth Reed | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p5 |
News from the Sections - German Summer School | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
News from the Sections - Annual Convention of the New Zealand Section | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
News from the Sections - National Convention in Australia | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
News from the Sections - English Section Convention and Summer School | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
News from the Sections - Ecological Research | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
News from the Sections - The Edinburgh Theosophical Research Group | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
News from the Sections - European Summer Schools | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
News from the Sections - Youth Federation News | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p6 |
Publications and Study Aids - Karma Lore | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p7 |
News from the Sections - Krotona School of Theosophy | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p7 |
Publications and Study Aids - Publications from TPH London | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p7 |
Publications and Study Aids - Leaflets available from TPH Wheaton | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p7 |
Publications and Study Aids - Publications in Greek | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p7 |
Publications and Study Aids - Blavatsky Lecture 1948 | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p7 |
Publications and Study Aids - Non-English Publications Fund | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p8 |
Publications and Study Aids - Adyar Books | anon | y1978-79 | - | - | November-January | p8 |
It will not be long before Adyar celebrates its 100th anniversary as the Headquarters of the International Theosophical Society | Radha Burnier | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p1 |
Dr Arundale Birth Centenary Celebrations | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p2 |
A Letter from the President | John B S Coats | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p2 |
Theosophy/Science Research | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p3 |
International Centre of Theosophical Studies and Research - Courses Fall Term | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p3 |
Individual Study and Training | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p3 |
The President's Travels | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p3 |
Charles Shores | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p3 |
Seminar: "The Impact of Science on Human Values" | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p4 |
Among Recent Visitors to Adyar | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p4 |
Mrs Radha Burnier's European Tour | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p4 |
Kathopanishad - Retreat led by Swami Ranganathananda | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p4 |
P M Advani | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p5 |
Theosophical Order of Service - Madras Branch | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p5 |
Olcott Memorial Schools | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p5 |
Activities of Aumoryapur | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p5 |
News from the Sections - Conventions and Summer Schools 1979 | anon | y1979 | - | - | February-April | p6 |