The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Adyar Newsletter

Impressions of Visitors: Mrs Ruth Espin from EnglandMrs Ruth Espiny1982--February-March-Aprilp4
Impressions of Visitors: Dr Rupert Sheldrake Crop Physiologist and author of 'A New Science of Life'Dr Rupert Sheldrakey1982--February-March-Aprilp4
News from Sections - Australiaanony1982--February-March-Aprilp4
News from Sections - European Summer Schools - 1982anony1982--February-March-Aprilp4
News from Sections - USAanony1982--February-March-Aprilp4
News from Sections - Group Travel for Adyar Centenary Conventionanony1982--February-March-Aprilp5
Improvement of Adyar Estateanony1982--February-March-Aprilp5
News from Sections - One-Week Intensive School at Tekels Parkanony1982--February-March-Aprilp5
Donations to the Theosophical Society From 1st October 1981 to 31st December 1981anony1982--February-March-Aprilp5
TOS International Secretaryanony1982--February-March-Aprilp5
Thoughts on AdyarH S Olcott; Annie Besant; G S Arundale; C Jinarajadasa; N Sri Ram; John Coats; Radha Burniery1982--May-June-Julyp1
J Krishnamurti on Adyaranon; J Krishnamurtiy1982--May-June-Julyp1
Official Notice - Adyar Centenary Conventionanony1982--May-June-Julyp2
President's Touranony1982--May-June-Julyp2
Tea Party for Residentsanony1982--May-June-Julyp2
Note [re delay in publication of Feb-March-April issue of the French-German-Spanish edition of 'The Adyar newsletter']Secretary TSy1982--May-June-Julyp3 [insert]
White Lotus Dayanony1982--May-June-Julyp3
Wesak Celebrationanony1982--May-June-Julyp3
Summer is Hereanony1982--May-June-Julyp3
Internaitonal Centre of Theosophical Studiesanony1982--May-June-Julyp3
The Theosophical Order of Service - Decade of Drinking Wateranony1982--May-June-Julyp4
Obituary [Mr Charles Hunter of Ireland]anony1982--May-June-Julyp4
President Bereaved [re passing of Dr Vejra Sriram younger brother of Mrs Radha Burnier]anony1982--May-June-Julyp4
Olcott Welfare Society - Dr Jean Raymond Medical Centreanony1982--May-June-Julyp4
German Section Summer Schoolanony1982--May-June-Julyp4
All-India TOS Training Campanony1982--May-June-Julyp4
Down Memory Lane - Founders' Avenueanony1982--May-June-Julyp5
Adyar Library Welcomes Booksanony1982--May-June-Julyp5
Donations to the Theosophical Society From 1st January 1982 to 31st March 1982anony1982--May-June-Julyp5
The Banyan Tree which had been showing signs of decay is now being rejuvenated [caption to illustration]anony1982--August-September-Octoberp1
Henry Steel Olcottanony1982--August-September-Octoberp1
The International Centre of Theosophical Studiesanony1982--August-September-Octoberp2
The Theosophical Publishing Houseanony1982--August-September-Octoberp2
TOS Internationalanony1982--August-September-Octoberp2
The Adyar Library and Research Centreanony1982--August-September-Octoberp2
Non-English Publications Committeeanony1982--August-September-Octoberp2
Besant Scout and Children's Camping Centreanony1982--August-September-Octoberp2
The Krotona Instituteanony1982--August-September-Octoberp3
Around the Sections: USA, Australia, India, England, New Zealandanony1982--August-September-Octoberp3
Adyar Centenary Conventionanony1982--August-September-Octoberp3
The World Congress Nairobi - Theme: One World A Shared Desitinyanony1982--August-September-Octoberp3
The Happy Valley School Ojai Californiaanony1982--August-September-Octoberp4
National Sections in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Greece and Iceland, Norway and Sweden, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Yugoslavia, Summer Schools in Europe, European School of Theosophy, European Congress 1984anony1982--August-September-Octoberp5
Other Countries: Indonesia, Southern Africa, East and Central Africa, West Africa, Canada, Sri Lanka, The Philippines, Pakistan, Japan, Singapore, Israel, The World Youth Federationsanony1982--August-September-Octoberp6
South and Central American Countries: Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Central American Countriesanony1982--August-September-Octoberp6
Order of the Round Tableanony1982--August-September-Octoberp7
New International Secretary [Mrs Norma Sastry]anony1982--August-September-Octoberp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society From 1st April 1982-30th June 1982anony1982--August-September-Octoberp8
Adyar Centenary Celebrationsanony1982-83--December-January-Februaryp1
Showing 1001 to 1050 of 2642 entries