The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Adyar Newsletter

Introducing Our Mute Friends [Swietenia Mahagoni]anony1991--Novemberp6
Meet the Old Guard: Faithful and True - Norma SastrySubha Nilakantay1991--Novemberp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society-1 July-30 September 1991anony1991--Novemberp7
The casket for the urn that carried part of HPB's ashes from London to Adyar at the end of 1891 [illustration]anony1992--Februaryp1
The Convention that wasanony1992--Februaryp2
Exhibition on HPB's Life and WorkPaul Zwolloy1992--Februaryp4
A Festival of Arts and CraftsAhalya Chariy1992--Februaryp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society-1 October-31 December 1991anony1992--Februaryp7
Ardhanarisvara - A bas-relief in Jyotiralayam Adyar [illustration]anony1992--Mayp1
The Supreme Absolute Brahman is Father Siva ...anony1992--Mayp1
Jyotir-Alayam (Temple of Light)anony1992--Mayp2
Adyar Notes - The Presidentanony1992--Mayp3
Adyar Notes - A New International Secretary [Pedro Oliveira]anony1992--Mayp3
Adyar Notes - Easter Conferenceanony1992--Mayp3
Adyar Notes - Vardhayantu Subuddhayah (May great minds flourish) [Dr K V Sarma of Adyar Library and Research Centre honoured by President of India]anony1992--Mayp4
Adyar Notes - Visitorsanony1992--Mayp4
Adyar Notes - 'Math Expo'anony1992--Mayp4
Adyar Notes - Animal Welfare Centreanony1992--Mayp4
Meeting the Old Guard: Dear to All - B ChellanSubha Nilakantay1992--Mayp5
The School of the Wisdomanony1992--Mayp6
World Congress of the TS [Brasilia 24-31 July 1993] [notice]anony1992--Mayp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society-1 January-31 March 1992anony1992--Mayp7
'And a little child shall lead them' [re marble statue representing a girl carrying her younger sister across water presented by the artist Mlle Henny Diderichsen in 1911] [illustration]anony1992--Augustp1
The Social Welfare Centreanony1992--Augustp2
Passed to Peace - Mr Achyut Patwardhan; Mr Ch Sankar Rao; Mr P D Venkatesh [obituaries]anony1992--Augustp4
Adyar Notes - US ambassador at Adyaranony1992--Augustp4
Meet the Old Guard: Self-effacing - Dr RajaSubha Nilakantay1992--Augustp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society-1 April-30 June 1992anony1992--Augustp7
I give you the end of a golden string (vf) [extract: "Jerusalem"]W Blakey1992--Novemberp1
Jesus Christ [illustration]anony1992--Novemberp1
Adyar Notes - Au revoir [re Mr Paul Zwollo]anony1992--Novemberp2
Adyar Notes - Young Membersanony1992--Novemberp2
Adyar Notes - Dr E R Sreekrishna Sarmaanony1992--Novemberp2
Adyar Notes - Houses in Besant Gardensanony1992--Novemberp3
Adyar Notes - Renovationsanony1992--Novemberp3
Adyar Notes - Restoration of Picturesanony1992--Novemberp3
Adyar Notes - Arboricultureanony1992--Novemberp3
The School of the Wisdom 10 January to 31 March 1993 - Theme: Windows in Consciousnessanony1992--Novemberp4
Meet the Old Guard (Retd Lieutenant-Colonel R Gopalaratnam)Uma Nilakantay1992--Novemberp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society-1 July-30 September 1992anony1992--Novemberp7
Even God did not ! [From Idries Shah's 'The Way of the Sufi'] (vf)Rumiy1992--Novemberp8
The Sea at Adyar Beach [illustration]anony1993--Februaryp1
A precious memento of Krishnaji - from the Archivesanony1993--Februaryp2
The Naturalist's Paradise [includes "Some have green fingers-their gardens will thrive in every weather" (vf)]anon; [J Dayanand]y1993--Februaryp3
Adyar Notes [The 117th International Convention at Adyar]anony1993--Februaryp4
Meet the Old Guard: C MunuswamyUma Nilakantay1993--Februaryp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society-1 October-31 December 1992anony1993--Februaryp7
Wave. Adyar! let thy banners wave [illustration]anony1993--Mayp1
Still may you guide into your fold (vf)Sylvia Lyndy1993--Mayp1
Adyar Notes - The Gardensanony1993--Mayp2
Showing 1551 to 1600 of 2642 entries