The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Adyar Newsletter

Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 January to 31 March 2005)anony2005--Mayp8
View from the Adyar Beach [illustration]anony2005--Augustp1
Old Days in AdyarS V Nilakantay2005--Augustp2
Gone to Peace [Dr K Kunjunni Raja, Lt Col R Gopalaratnam, Mr S N Muni Rao] [obituaries]anony2005--Augustp4
Lagerstroemia speciosa [Pride of India or Queens Crepe Myrtle]anony2005--Augustp5
Plumeria acutifolia [Temple Flower or Frangipani]anony2005--Augustp5
The School of the Wisdom - (7 November 2005 to 13 January 2006) [Themes - Christianity, Text: The Gospel of St John; Vedanta, Text: Atmabodha of Shankaracharya; Buddhism, Text: Shantideva's Bodhicharyavatara; Theosophy, Text: The Voice of the Silenceanony2005--Augustp6
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 April to 30 June 2005)anony2005--Augustp8
The President and Mr N Ravi Editor of 'The Hindu' before the Founders' statues [illustration]anony2005--Novemberp1
Free Medical Campanony2005--Novemberp2
Caesalpinia pulcherrima [Peacock flower or Bird of Paradise]anony2005--Novemberp3
Foundation Dayanony2005--Novemberp3
The Jamiesonsanony2005--Novemberp4
A Walk on the Wild SideGeetha Radhakrishnany2005--Novemberp5
Our Younger Brethrenanony2005--Novemberp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 July to 30 September 2005)anony2005--Novemberp8
Part of the coconut grove after the last monsoon [illustration]anony2006--Februaryp1
Archives Exhibitionanony2006--Februaryp2
Book Exhibitionsanony2006--Februaryp3
Tea Party in the Gardenanony2006--Februaryp4
Ice and CreamS V Nilakantay2006--Februaryp5
Ice Cream Party AnecdoteNandan Nilakantay2006--Februaryp6
Return of the Monsoonanony2006--Februaryp7
TOS Trip to Tsunami-Hit Districtsanony2006--Februaryp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 October to 31 December 2005)anony2006--Februaryp8
The Adyar River and Bay of Bengal from Sevashrama [illustration]anony2006--Mayp1
Annie Besant's Footwearanony2006--Mayp2
The Adayar RiverS V Nilakantay2006--Mayp3
Adyar Security Fundanony2006--Mayp5
Farewell to Workers [Mr T Laxman, Miss R Padmini]anony2006--Mayp6
South Indian Conferenceanony2006--Mayp7
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 January to 31 March 2006)anony2006--Mayp8
One of the lotuses adorning the Adyar Buddhist Tempe tank [illustration]anony2006--Augustp1
Gifts from State Bank of India [Olcott Memorial School, Social Welfare Centre]anony2006--Augustp2
White Lotus Dayanony2006--Augustp3
Garden of Remembranceanony2006--Augustp4
The Great Gardeners [Mr K R Jussavala, Mr C Jinarajadasa, Mr N Yagneswara Sastry]S V Nilakantay2006--Augustp5
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 April to 30 June 2006)anony2006--Augustp8
Leadbeater Chambers after the rains [illustration]anony2006--Novemberp1
Come Visit the Trilithonsanony2006--Novemberp2
Old Days at AdyarS V Nilakanta, Parvati Gopalaratnamy2006--Novemberp3
Dr Annie Besant's Birthdayanony2006--Novemberp6
Breakfast with the President [illustration]S Ny2006--Novemberp7
Call to the Theosophical Worldanony2006--Novemberp8
Donations to the Theosophical Society (1 July to 30 September 2006)anony2006--Novemberp8
View of Adyar River from Leadbeater Chambers with Bay of Bengal in the distance [illustration]anony2007--Februaryp1
The School of the Wisdomanony2007--Februaryp2
Breaking the Iceanony2007--Februaryp3
Poster Exhibition and Painting Workshopanony2007--Februaryp4
Showing 2051 to 2100 of 2642 entries