Symbols: The Altar | anon | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p352 |
The Right Voice (vf) | Walt Whitman | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p362 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p363 |
The Three Spheres [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p364 |
Purification: An Indian Tale | anon | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p367 |
Initiation | Bhavani Shankar | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p368 |
Glossary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p371 |
Enlightenment and Concord [reprint from 'Dhammapada 179-208] | anon | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p372 |
Correlations: Time Matured | various | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p374 |
Moses de Leon | anon | y1982 | v8 | i8 | Aug | p376 |
Responsibility in Time | Ursula Le Guin | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p385 |
The Aquarian Elixir | anon | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p386 |
Symbols: The Chrysanthemum | anon | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p399 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p409 |
Trials of Disciples | WQ Judge | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p410 |
Letting Go (vf) [reprint from 'Songs of Spiritual Change, A Precept for Yeshe Gyaltsen'] | Gyalwa Kalzang Gyatso | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p412 |
Correlations: Cyclic Return | various | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p414 |
The Abysm [reprint from 'The Ancient Sage'] | Alfred Lord Tennyson | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p416 |
The Dreary Desert [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p418 |
Glossary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p421 |
Jan Van Ruysbroeck | anon | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p422 |
Footprints in the Sand | anon | y1982 | v8 | i9 | Sep | p432 |
Self-Existence | Shri Shankaracharya | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p433 |
Aquarian Spirituality | anon | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p434 |
Symbols: Thunder | anon | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p448 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p459 |
The Vow of Silence | Shri BP Wadia | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p460 |
Maitreya (vf) [reprint from 'Byams-pa-sku-gjugs-ma'] | Gyalwa Gendun Drub | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p462 |
Correlations: Science and Religion | various | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p464 |
The Strong and the Weak [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p466 |
Glossary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p469 |
Thomas A Kempis | anon | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p470 |
Depth: A Sufi Tale | anon | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p479 |
Invocation to Shiva (vf) | anon | y1982 | v8 | i10 | Oct | p480 |
Symbols: Electricity | anon | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p476 |
The Knower | Hugh I'Anson Fausset | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p481 |
Integration and Recurrence | anon | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p482 |
Single-Mindedness: An Indian Tale | anon | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p495 |
Sri Yantra | anon | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p507 |
Self-Discipline [reprint from 'Instructions to Monks' 1973] | Tenzin Gyatso | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p508 |
The Seed and the Tree [reprint from 'Yoga Vasishtha Maharamayana'] | Valmiki | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p512 |
Correlations: Cyclic Law | various | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p514 |
Mu [reprint from 'Mumonkan'] | Mumon Ekai | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p516 |
Glossary | anon | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p518 |
Isaac Luria | anon | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p519 |
Night (vf) | AE | y1982 | v8 | i11 | Nov | p528 |
Svadharma | Vinoba Bhave | y1982 | v8 | i12 | Dec | p529 |
Involution | anon | y1982 | v8 | i12 | Dec | p530 |
A Flash of Revelation (vf) [reprint from 'The Prelude'] | William Wordsworth | y1982 | v8 | i12 | Dec | p543 |
Symbols: The Raven | anon | y1982 | v8 | i12 | Dec | p544 |