Happier Days for Pussy | Marjorie Tuttle | y1914 | v3 | - | August | p482 |
Is the Universe Immortal? - A Great Discovery in Astronomy | Jasper Smith | y1914 | v3 | - | August | p483 |
Children's Courts - New Treatment for Juvenile Offenders at Home & Abroad | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | August | p488 |
Giving Understanding | Sidney Ransom | y1914 | v3 | - | August | p491 |
A Call (vf) | LM Williams | y1914 | v3 | - | August | p492 |
Notes & Comments | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | August | p493 |
(in French) From France | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | August | p497 |
Contents | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p501 |
In the Starlight | George S Arundale | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p502 |
The Star in the East (vf) | Bryan Killikelly | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p508 |
Ideals of the Future (8) The Ideal of Science | Annie Besant | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p509 |
Love & Desire (vf) | GR Gillett | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p510 |
The Problem of Destitution (3) | WCM Lloyd | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p511 |
At Eventide | PVC | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p517 |
Meeting of London Members (of the OSE) | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p518 |
A Message from the Religious Society of Friends - to men & women of Goodwill | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p521 |
Hastening the Coming | Mary E Moxey | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p523 |
illustration - The Talents | Eugene Bernand | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p525 |
(in French) Le Feu Mystique | Louis Revel | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p531 |
A Cry (vf) | Margaret Theodora Griffith | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p538 |
The Way of the Soul | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p539 |
War | Jasper Smith | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p540 |
Life Never Dies | EMC | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p541 |
Tim: A Story of the Future | EMC | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p542 |
The Goal & the Way | Kathleen Cooper | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p545 |
Notes & Comments | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p546 |
Courrier Francais | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | September | p549 |
Contents | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p553 |
In the Starlight | George S Arundale | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p554 |
Life's Mirror (vf) | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p561 |
October 1st | George S Arundale | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p562 |
illustration - Faithful unto Death | Edward Poynter | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p564 |
The Joy of the Coming | Elisabeth Severs | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p565 |
The Return of the Teacher | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p568 |
Mysticism in the Early Christian Church | H Twelvetrees | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p569 |
The Coming of the Master | JKH | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p573 |
Mistiko | TA Duncan (HBH ?) | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p574 |
illustration - Joan of Arc | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p578 |
(in French) Un Danger a Eviter | Albert Janvier | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p579 |
In the Heart of Things | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p581 |
What can I do for the Star? | Eleazer ben Mosche | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p582 |
Unifyings in America | Weller Van Hook | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p583 |
Birthdays | EMC | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p584 |
Deliverance | PVC | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p585 |
illustration - Finding of Christ in the Temple | W Holman Hunt | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p586 |
Will Christ Come? | John Barron | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p587 |
A World-Teacher amidst Race-Prejudice | Nellie H Baldwin | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p593 |
Notes & Comments | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p599 |
(in French) From France | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | October | p602 |
Contents | anon | y1914 | v3 | - | November | p605 |