Self-Sacrifice and Charity - Main Focus of HPB's Teachings | Chittaranjan Satapathy | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p206 |
Fundamental Teachings of Theosophy | NC Krishna | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p210 |
An Insight into HPB's Key to Theosophy | G Dakshina Moorthy | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p214 |
Divine Awareness is The Voice of the Silence | PK Jayaswal | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p217 |
The Voice of the Silence | John Vorstermans | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p220 |
Treading the Secret Path | Pablo Sender | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p224 |
Slaying Illusion | Ricardo Lindemann | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p231 |
The State of Faultless Vision | NC Ramanujachary | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p236 |
The Voice of The Silence - 'HPB's Most Precious Book' | CA Shinde | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p241 |
News and Notes | anon | y2014 | v112 | i7-8 | July-August | p245 |
A Step Forward | S Sundaram | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p325 |
The Birthright of Man [Besant lecture delivered during 100th International Convention Adyar 1975] | Radha S Burnier | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p327 |
Remembering a Fresh Mind [reprint: 'The Theosophist' October-November 2014] | Tim Boyd | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p332 |
Radhaji: Friend and Colleague in Memoriam [reprint: 'The Theosophist' October-November 2014] | Joy Mills | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p334 |
Radhaji of This World and That [reprint: 'The Theosophist' October-November 2014] | Linda Oliveira | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p336 |
Radha Burnier's Contribution and Approach to Theosophy | PK Jayaswal | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p339 |
Walking with Radhaji | Pedro Oliveira | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p345 |
Radhaji's Vision of the Theosophical Work | Pablo Sender | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p348 |
Mrs Radha Burnier - A Star of Theosophical Society | L Nagesh | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p354 |
Radhaji-Adyar-Adi (A Unique Relationship) | AM Vatcha | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p356 |
News and Notes | anon | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p358 |
The School of the Wisdom - The Theosophical Society - Adyar Chennai 600 020 India - November 2014-February 2015 - The Purpose of the School of Wisdom | anon | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p362 |
Questions and Answers (Radhaji's Answer to a question raised during a Congress of the TS Sydney 2001) | [Radha Burnier] | y2014 | v112 | i11 | November | p366 [facing] |
The Illumined Mind [from 'The Theosophist' August 2014] | Tim Boyd | y2014 | v112 | i12 | December | p369 |
Self-Awakening [presentation of 'The Religious Spectrum' in Vol I of the author's 'Infinity and Beyond'] | Sahadeb Patro | y2014 | v112 | i12 | December | p378 |
News And Notes: Bengal; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; North India Study Camp; Indian Section Headquarters; Indian Section Convention-II | anon | y2014 | v112 | i12 | December | p386 |
The Indian Section The Theosophical Society Annual Report of the General Secretary 2013-2014 | S Sundaram | y2015 | v113 | i1 | January | p3 |
The Indian Section The Theosophical Society Varanasi The Treasurer's Report for the Year 2013-2014 | PS Panchakshari | y2015 | v113 | i1 | January | p32 |
Audited Accounts | Aprameya M Gabhawala For The Indian Section The Theosophical Society | y2015 | v113 | i1 | January | p36 |
Presidential Address To the 139th Annual Convention of the Theosophical Society Adyar 26 December 2014[taken from 'The Theosophist' January 2015 only some portions published here] | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v113 | i2 | February | p43 |
News and Notes: Assam; The annual meeting of the ATF for the year 2013-14; Bombay; Karnataka; Kerala; M P and Rajasthan; Marathi; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; Indian Section Headquarters; Theosophical Order of Service; Study Camps | anon | y2015 | v113 | i2 | February | p49 |
The Present Need [Public Lecture delivered at the international Convention Adyar 30 December 2014] | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v113 | i3 | March | p75 |
Knowing And Being [Talk delivered in the Indian Section Convention held at Adyar on 29 December 2014] | Sahadeb Patro | y2015 | v113 | i3 | March | p83 |
News and Notes: Assam; Marathi; Uttar Pradesh; Indian Section Convention; Indian Section Headquarters | anon | y2015 | v113 | i3 | March | p93 |
Address To New Members [Delivered after the closing of the International Convention Adyar 31 December 2014] | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v113 | i4 | April | p103 |
What Is Theosophy? Leading Theosophists Answer [reprint: 'The Theosophical Review' December 1976 pp 191-194] | Compiled by Geoffrey Hodson | y2015 | v113 | i4 | April | p106 |
Kabbalah - The Ancient Yoga of the West [Based on a talk delivered at Kashi Tattva Sabha, Varanasi on 23 January 2015] | Anuradha Mehta | y2015 | v113 | i4 | April | p112 |
News and Notes: M P and Rajasthan; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer | anon | y2015 | v113 | i4 | April | p117 |
A Step Forward | S Sundaram | y2015 | v113 | i5 | May | p127 |
The River Delta [from 'The Theosophist' April 2015] | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v113 | i5 | May | p128 |
Radhaji on the Esoteric Side Of J Krishnamurti | Pablo Sender | y2015 | v113 | i5 | May | p131 |
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Vajra) Co-founder of The Theosophical Society [Based on talk delivered under auspices of Kashi Tattva Sabha at the Indian Section HQ Varanasi 10 October 2014] | TK NAIR | y2015 | v113 | i5 | May | p135 |
News and Notes: Assam; M P and Rajasthan; Rayalaseema; Uttar Pradesh | anon | y2015 | v113 | i5 | May | p147 |
News and Notes - Indian Section Headquarters: 1 Education in the Light of Theosophy and Present Day Challenges | Sushila Singh | y2015 | v113 | i5 | May | p151 |
News and Notes - Indian Section Headquarters: 2 Study Camp | Uma Bhattacharyya | y2015 | v113 | i5 | May | p163 |
A Step Forward | S Sundaram | y2015 | v113 | i6 | June | p167 |
On 'The Voice Of The Silence' [Inaugural address delivered at the 92nd South India Conference Adyar 2 April 2015] | Tim Boyd | y2015 | v113 | i6 | June | p169 |
Be Humble If Thou Wouldst Attain To Wisdom [Text of the Short Talk delivered at the South India Conference held on 3-4 April 2015 at Adyar] | G Dakshina Moorty | y2015 | v113 | i6 | June | p173 |
Human Happiness | US Pandey | y2015 | v113 | i6 | June | p181 |
News and Notes: Assam; Bihar; Delhi; Karnataka; Kerala; Marathi; Uttar Pradesh; National Lecturer; South India Conference; Indian Section Headquarters; Study Camp at Lucknow; Gone to Peace | anon | y2015 | v113 | i6 | June | p189 |