The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

Journal of Scientific Exploration

A Brief History of the Society for Scientific ExplorationP Sturrocky1987v1i1-p1
Alterations in Recollection of Unusual and Unexpected EventsDavid F Hall, E Loftus, Susan J McFeatersy1987v1i1-p3
case of alleged alien abductionBetty Hilly1987v1i1-p7
Toward a Quantitative Theory of Intellectual Discovery (Especially in Physics)Richard G Fowlery1987v1i1-p11
Engineering Anomalies ResearchRG Jahn & BJ Dunne & RD Nelsony1987v1i1-p21
Society and Scientific Anomalies: Common Knowledge About the Loch Ness MonsterHenry H Bauery1987v1i1-p51
An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO ProjectPA Sturrocky1987v1i1-p75
The Strange Properties of PsychokinesisHelmut Schmidty1987v1i2-p103
What Do We Mean By "Scientific?"Henry H Bauery1987v1i2-p119
Analysis of a UFO PhotographRichard F Hainesy1987v1i2-p129
Analysis and Discussion of the Images of a Cluster of Periodically Flashing Lights (filmed off New Zealand)Bruce Maccabeey1987v1i2-p149
Parapsychology: The Continuing ImpasseJ Beloffy1987v1i2-p191
Comments on Bauer's "Loch Ness Monster"J Westmany1987v1--p101
Commonalities in Arguments Over AnomaliesHenry H Bauery1988v2i1-p1
Remote Viewing and Computer Communications - An ExperimentJacques Valleey1988v2i1-p13
Is There a Mars Effect?Mochel Gauqueliny1988v2i1-p29
Raising the Hurdle for the Athletes' Mars Effect: Association Co-Varies With EminenceSuitbert Ertely1988v2i1-p53
UFOs and NASARichard C Henryy1988v2i2-p93
The Nature of Time (Albert Einstein)Yervant Terziany1988v2i2-p143
Operator-Related Anomalies in a Random Mechanical CascadeRG Jahn & Brenda J Dunne & Roger D Nelsony1988v2i2-p155
Archaeological Anomalies in the BahamasDouglas G Richardsy1988v2i2-p181
Evidence for a Short-Period Internal Clock in HumansTom G Slangery1988v2i2-p203
Three New Cases of the Reincarnation Type With Written Records Made Before VerificationsG Samararatney1988v2i2-p217
Three New Cases of the Reincarnation Type in Sri Lanka With Written Records Made Before VerificationsIan Stevenson, Godwin Samararatney1988v2i2-p217
case suggestive of reincarnationThusitha Silvay1988v2i2-p221
case suggestive of reincarnationIranga Jayakodyy1988v2i2-p225
case suggestive of reincarnationSubashini Gunasekeray1988v2i2-p229
Comment on Beloff's "Parapsychology: The Continuing Impasse"WM Kincaidy1988v2i2-p239
reply to Wilfred M Kinkaid [re: NDEs]J Beloffy1988v2i2-p240
review - Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation by Ian StevensonB Haischy1988v2i2-p241
Expanding Ball of Light Phenomenon (Correspondence)F Hainesy1988v2--p83
review - Origins: A Skeptic's Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth by R ShapiroH Bauery1988v2--p87
Arguments Over Anomalies: (2) PolemicsHenry H Bauery1989v3i1-p1
Anomalies: Analysis and AestheticsRobert G Jahny1989v3i1-p15
Trends in the Study of Out-of-Body Experiences: An Overview of Developments Since the Nineteenth CenturyCarlos S Alvaradoy1989v3i1-p27
A Methodology for the Objective Study of Transpersonal ImageryMarilyn J Schlitz & William A Braudy1989v3i1-p43
Experiments Investigating the Influence of Intention on Random and Pseudorandom EventsJM Uttsy1989v3i1-p65
Experiments Investigating the Influence of Intention on Random and Pseudorandom EventsDean I Radin, Jessica Uttsy1989v3i1-p65
mentioned - O Costa de Beauregard(Dean I Radin)y1989v3i1-p76
A Case of the Possession Type in India With Evidence of Paranormal KnowledgeIan Stevenson, N McClean-Rice, SK Pasrichay1989v3i1-p81
New Ideas in ScienceThomas Goldy1989v3i2-p103
Photo Analysis of an Aerial Disc Over Costa RicaJacques F Vallee, RF Hainesy1989v3i2-p113
A Replication Study: Three Cases of Children in Northern India Who Are Said to Remember a Previous LifeAntonia Millsy1989v3i2-p133
case suggestive of reincarnationReena Kulshreshthay1989v3i2-p137
case suggestive of reincarnationAshok Kumar Shakyay1989v3i2-p147
case suggestive of reincarnationToran (alias "Titu") Singhy1989v3i2-p156
Searching for "Signatures" in Anomalous Human-Machine Interaction Data: A Neural Network ApproachDean I Radiny1989v3i2-p185
A Case of Severe Birth Defects Possibly Due to CursingIan Stevensony1989v3i2-p201
Comments on Slanger's "Internal Clock"CM Pleassy1989v3i2-p213
review - The Relativity Question by I McCauslandH Bauery1989v3i2-p217
Showing 1 to 50 of 561 entries