A Brief History of the Society for Scientific Exploration | P Sturrock | y1987 | v1 | i1 | - | p1 |
Alterations in Recollection of Unusual and Unexpected Events | David F Hall, E Loftus, Susan J McFeaters | y1987 | v1 | i1 | - | p3 |
case of alleged alien abduction | Betty Hill | y1987 | v1 | i1 | - | p7 |
Toward a Quantitative Theory of Intellectual Discovery (Especially in Physics) | Richard G Fowler | y1987 | v1 | i1 | - | p11 |
Engineering Anomalies Research | RG Jahn & BJ Dunne & RD Nelson | y1987 | v1 | i1 | - | p21 |
Society and Scientific Anomalies: Common Knowledge About the Loch Ness Monster | Henry H Bauer | y1987 | v1 | i1 | - | p51 |
An Analysis of the Condon Report on the Colorado UFO Project | PA Sturrock | y1987 | v1 | i1 | - | p75 |
The Strange Properties of Psychokinesis | Helmut Schmidt | y1987 | v1 | i2 | - | p103 |
What Do We Mean By "Scientific?" | Henry H Bauer | y1987 | v1 | i2 | - | p119 |
Analysis of a UFO Photograph | Richard F Haines | y1987 | v1 | i2 | - | p129 |
Analysis and Discussion of the Images of a Cluster of Periodically Flashing Lights (filmed off New Zealand) | Bruce Maccabee | y1987 | v1 | i2 | - | p149 |
Parapsychology: The Continuing Impasse | J Beloff | y1987 | v1 | i2 | - | p191 |
Comments on Bauer's "Loch Ness Monster" | J Westman | y1987 | v1 | - | - | p101 |
Commonalities in Arguments Over Anomalies | Henry H Bauer | y1988 | v2 | i1 | - | p1 |
Remote Viewing and Computer Communications - An Experiment | Jacques Vallee | y1988 | v2 | i1 | - | p13 |
Is There a Mars Effect? | Mochel Gauquelin | y1988 | v2 | i1 | - | p29 |
Raising the Hurdle for the Athletes' Mars Effect: Association Co-Varies With Eminence | Suitbert Ertel | y1988 | v2 | i1 | - | p53 |
UFOs and NASA | Richard C Henry | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p93 |
The Nature of Time (Albert Einstein) | Yervant Terzian | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p143 |
Operator-Related Anomalies in a Random Mechanical Cascade | RG Jahn & Brenda J Dunne & Roger D Nelson | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p155 |
Archaeological Anomalies in the Bahamas | Douglas G Richards | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p181 |
Evidence for a Short-Period Internal Clock in Humans | Tom G Slanger | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p203 |
Three New Cases of the Reincarnation Type With Written Records Made Before Verifications | G Samararatne | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p217 |
Three New Cases of the Reincarnation Type in Sri Lanka With Written Records Made Before Verifications | Ian Stevenson, Godwin Samararatne | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p217 |
case suggestive of reincarnation | Thusitha Silva | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p221 |
case suggestive of reincarnation | Iranga Jayakody | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p225 |
case suggestive of reincarnation | Subashini Gunasekera | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p229 |
Comment on Beloff's "Parapsychology: The Continuing Impasse" | WM Kincaid | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p239 |
reply to Wilfred M Kinkaid [re: NDEs] | J Beloff | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p240 |
review - Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Question of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson | B Haisch | y1988 | v2 | i2 | - | p241 |
Expanding Ball of Light Phenomenon (Correspondence) | F Haines | y1988 | v2 | - | - | p83 |
review - Origins: A Skeptic's Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth by R Shapiro | H Bauer | y1988 | v2 | - | - | p87 |
Arguments Over Anomalies: (2) Polemics | Henry H Bauer | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p1 |
Anomalies: Analysis and Aesthetics | Robert G Jahn | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p15 |
Trends in the Study of Out-of-Body Experiences: An Overview of Developments Since the Nineteenth Century | Carlos S Alvarado | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p27 |
A Methodology for the Objective Study of Transpersonal Imagery | Marilyn J Schlitz & William A Braud | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p43 |
Experiments Investigating the Influence of Intention on Random and Pseudorandom Events | JM Utts | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p65 |
Experiments Investigating the Influence of Intention on Random and Pseudorandom Events | Dean I Radin, Jessica Utts | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p65 |
mentioned - O Costa de Beauregard | (Dean I Radin) | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p76 |
A Case of the Possession Type in India With Evidence of Paranormal Knowledge | Ian Stevenson, N McClean-Rice, SK Pasricha | y1989 | v3 | i1 | - | p81 |
New Ideas in Science | Thomas Gold | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p103 |
Photo Analysis of an Aerial Disc Over Costa Rica | Jacques F Vallee, RF Haines | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p113 |
A Replication Study: Three Cases of Children in Northern India Who Are Said to Remember a Previous Life | Antonia Mills | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p133 |
case suggestive of reincarnation | Reena Kulshreshtha | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p137 |
case suggestive of reincarnation | Ashok Kumar Shakya | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p147 |
case suggestive of reincarnation | Toran (alias "Titu") Singh | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p156 |
Searching for "Signatures" in Anomalous Human-Machine Interaction Data: A Neural Network Approach | Dean I Radin | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p185 |
A Case of Severe Birth Defects Possibly Due to Cursing | Ian Stevenson | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p201 |
Comments on Slanger's "Internal Clock" | CM Pleass | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p213 |
review - The Relativity Question by I McCausland | H Bauer | y1989 | v3 | i2 | - | p217 |