Notice: Springbrook Krishnamurti Gathering 2012 | anon | y2012 | - | i45 | Autumn/Winter | p16 |
Report from Victoria on a Gathering in 2011 - Krishnamurti Discussion in Melbourne | Patricia Hemingway | y2012 | - | i45 | Autumn/Winter | p17 |
Learning in the absence of authority | Geetha Waters | y2012 | - | i45 | Autumn/Winter | p19 |
2012 International gathering around the work of Krishnamurti Saturday 28th July - Saturday 11th August [Murren Switzerland] "Living is the Greatest Revolution" [notice and information] | anon | y2012 | - | i45 | Autumn/Winter | p22 |
J Krishnamurti Bombay 2nd Public Talk 30th November 1958 [On Humility Action and Love] | J Krishnamurti | y2012 | - | i46 | Spring/Summer | p1 |
Krishnamurti Springbrook Gathering 2012 - 7-14 November 2012 [notice] | anon | y2012 | - | i46 | Spring/Summer | p11 |
Salutation to silence | Geetha Waters | y2012 | - | i46 | Spring/Summer | p12 |
A Krishnamurti Gathering in Victoria 23 Sep 2012 - The Theaching of J Krishnamurti and its relevance in today's world [notice] | anon | y2012 | - | i46 | Spring/Summer | p15 |
Special Offer for Jiddu Krishnamurti and David Bohm - 1975 Discussions | anon | y2012 | - | i46 | Spring/Summer | p16 |
Krishnamurti Centre Summer Hill Sydney - Report | Andrew Hilton | y2012 | - | i46 | Spring/Summer | p19 |
Laine's story | [Laine] | y2012 | - | i46 | Spring/Summer | [insert] |
Krishnamurti Talks in Colombo - January 1957 - Talk 1 | J Krishnamurti (and anon questioner) | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p1 |
Krishnamurti Talks in Colombo - 1957 - Talk 2 [extract] | J Krishnamurti | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p8 |
Krishnamurti Talks in Colombo - 1957 - Talk 3 [extract] | J Krishnamurti | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p9 |
Krishnamurti Perisher Valley Gathering 2013 22-24 February 2013 - Theme: Possible? The image is me the image is my hurt etc [notice] | anon | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p11 |
Report - Krishnamurti Victoria Gathering - Blairgowrie Melbourne 29 September 2012 | Michael Berry | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p12 |
2013 International gathering around the work of Krishnamurti Saturday 27th July-Saturday 10th August "Life is One Indivisible Whole" [notice] | anon | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p14 |
Krishnamurti Centre Reports | Andrew Hilton | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p16 |
Summerhill Krishnamurti Centre - Report for March-May 2012 | Geetha Waters | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p18 |
Report for Summerhill - November Dialogues - 2012 | Geetha Waters | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p19 |
Krishnamurti Australia DVD Screenings | anon | y2013 | - | i47 | Autumn/Winter | p21 |
Krishnamurti in Colombo - January 1957 Talk: 5 | Krishnamurti | y2013 | - | i48 | Spring/Summer | p1 |
Krishnamurti Springbrook Gathering 2013 - 6-13 November 2013 [notice] | anon | y2013 | - | i48 | Spring/Summer | p12 |
A Krishnamurti Gathering in Victoria 20 Oct 2013 [notice] | anon | y2013 | - | i48 | Spring/Summer | p13 |
Transforming Education | Geetha Waters | y2013 | - | i48 | Spring/Summer | p14 |
Krishnamurti Australia Inc. Constitution - Memorandum and Articles of Assication for Krishnamurti Australia Inc. | anon | y2013 | - | i48 | Spring/Summer | p18 |
Krishnamurti - London Discussion: April 22 1965 [part] | Krishnamurti (and anon Questioner) | y2014 | - | i49 | Autumn/Winter | p2 |
An Extract from Commentaries on Living - Second Series | K [Krishnamurti] and Q [Questioner] | y2014 | - | i49 | Autumn/Winter | p9 |
Krishnamurti Perisher Valley Gathering 2014 - 4-5-6th April 2014 - Theme: Possible? Are we slaves to sensation [notice] | anon | y2014 | - | i49 | Autumn/Winter | p11 |
Network of Thought and the Zone of Comfort | Geetha Waters | y2014 | - | i49 | Autumn/Winter | p13 |
Third Talk Ojai 24th May 1954 | [Krishnamurti] | y2014 | - | i49 | Autumn/Winter | p16 |
Krishnamurti Springbrook Gathering November 2013 Summary | an attendee | y2014 | - | i49 | Autumn/Winter | p17 |
2014 International gathering around the work of Krishnamurti Saturday 26th July-Saturday 9th August "You Are Not a Separate Individual You Are In Essence Humanity" [notice] | anon | y2014 | - | i49 | Autumn/Winter | p19 |
Krishnamurti at Rajghat - 19th November 1974 - What is the Teaching? (A small group discussion with Krishnamurti) | K Krishnamurti et alia | y2015 | - | i52 | Spring/Summer | p1 |
Krishnamurti Springbrook Gathering - 11 to 18 November 2015 [Theme: The nature of fear?] | anon | y2015 | - | i52 | Spring/Summer | p11 |
Krishnamurti to Himself (His last Journal) [Ohio March 18 1983] [selected by Jeff Rogers] | Krishnamurti | y2015 | - | i52 | Spring/Summer | p12 |
From Andrew | Andrew Hilton | y2015 | - | i52 | Spring/Summer | p17 |
From Geetha Waters | Geetha Waters | y2015 | - | i52 | Spring/Summer | p19 |
Krishnamurti Australia DVD Screenings | anon | y2015 | - | i52 | Spring/Summer | p21 |
Editorial | Geetha Waters | y2017 | - | i55 | Autumn/Winter | p1 |
Krishnamurti to Himself [Ojai California Tuesday 26 April 1983; Saanen 9th July 1967] | Krishnamurti | y2017 | - | i55 | Autumn/Winter | p15 |
In Memoriam: Shirley Miller; Joan Deerson (Carrigan); Bequest by Dorothy Evangeline Lange | anon | y2017 | - | i55 | Autumn/Winter | p25 |
In Recognition: Gerald Reardon | anon | y2017 | - | i55 | Autumn/Winter | p26 |