The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge

The Lamp

obituaries - Rossetti, Christina-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Port, Robert Edwin TS lecturing-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Smythe, Albert E.S. TS lecturing (Canada)-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges monthly program-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Thurston, Clark visits Toronto-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Wachtmeister, Constance mentioned-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Watson, William J. lectures at Toronto TS-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
Titus, Ferdinand E. TS lecturing, Toronto-y1895v1i6Januaryp93
"The Secret of Masonry" (W. Lockerby, rprnt 'Borderland')-y1895v1i6Januaryp94
"Dietetic Fads"C.L.A.y1895v1i6Januaryp95
Journals Mentioned "Notes on the Magazines"[AESS]y1895v1i6Januaryp96
Journals Mentioned "Our Foreign Friends"-y1895v1i6Januaryp96
Stead, William T. - biographical note with portraitSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v1i7Februaryp97
"The Rationale of Reincarnation"James, William T.y1895v1i7Februaryp98
"Karma" (vf)Whittier, John Greenleafy1895v1i7Februaryp98
"The Music of India" (rprnt from 'The Theosophical Gleaner')H.P.B.y1895v1i7Februaryp99
"the judge case" - Toronto T.S. expresses confidence in Mr. Judge-y1895v1i7Februaryp101
Keightley, Bertram mentioned-y1895v1i7Februaryp101
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges 'Toronto TS' activities "The Local Branch"-y1895v1i7Februaryp101
Theosophical Society Branches/Lodges expresses confidence in WQ Judge-y1895v1i7Februaryp101
christianity - "International SS Lessons"[AESS]y1895v1i7Februaryp101
Berry, Miss E.A. mentioned-y1895v1i7Februaryp101
Titus, Ferdinand E. TS lecturing, Toronto-y1895v1i7Februaryp101
"Seeketh Not Her Own"A.y1895v1i7Februaryp102
friday fragments - ['a regular column of witty remarks by' AES Smythe]-y1895v1i7Februaryp102
numbers - "Seven and Ten" (John Adams)-y1895v1i7Februaryp102
"Women Speaking in Church"Butler, Josephiney1895v1i7Februaryp103
Roberts, Charles D.G. quoted-y1895v1i7Februaryp103
"Friday Fragments" "The Frosted Panes"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1895v1i7Februaryp103
Carman, Bliss mentioned-y1895v1i7Februaryp103
reincarnation - "Life to Life as Day to Day" (Lady Gay, rprnt 'Saturday Night')-y1895v1i7Februaryp103
Editorial NotesSmythe, Albert E.S.y1895v1i7Februaryp104
"The Rainbow - Many in One" (rprnt 'Mercury')-y1895v1i7Februaryp105
on the GnosisMüller, Maxy1895v1i7Februaryp105
buddhism - "Resist Not Evil" (from the 'Udanavarga')-y1895v1i7Februaryp106
Sparks (a regular feature, similar to "Friday Fragments")-y1895v1i7Februaryp106
Other Men's Bibles-y1895v1i7Februaryp106
hinduism - "Prayer of a Bengali Devotee"-y1895v1i7Februaryp107
Judge, William Q. quoted-y1895v1i7Februaryp107
"Rays" (a frequent column of quotations compiled by the Editor)-y1895v1i7Februaryp107
"All in All or Not at All"Smythe, Albert E.S.y1895v1i7Februaryp108
"the judge case" - Besant on-y1895v1i7Februaryp108
Anderson, Jerome A. publishes 'Driftings in Dreamland'-y1895v1i7Februaryp109
Berry, Miss E.A. closes HPB Printing Press-y1895v1i7Februaryp109
"The `Row' in the TS" (rprnt from 'The Irish Theosophist')Edge, Henry Traversy1895v1i7Februaryp109
"the judge case" - "The `Row' in the T.S." (H.T.E., rprnt from 'The Irish Theosophist')-y1895v1i7Februaryp109
Blavatsky, H.P. hostile biographies-y1895v1i7Februaryp109
James, William T. mentioned-y1895v1i7Februaryp109
Keightley, Bertram mentioned-y1895v1i7Februaryp109
Kipling, Rudyard mentioned-y1895v1i7Februaryp109
Showing 301 to 350 of 1483 entries