review: 'Bhagavad Gita: Annotated and Explained' trans by Shri Purohit Swami, annot by Kendra Crossen Borroughs | Richard Brooks | y2004 | v12 | i3 | Fall | p41 |
review: 'Healing Beyond the Body: Medicine and the Infinite Reach of the Mind' by Larry Dossey Boston | James E Royster | y2004 | v12 | i3 | Fall | p42 |
review: 'The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Buddhist Wisdom' by Gill Farrer-Halls | Jay G Williams | y2004 | v12 | i3 | Fall | p43 |
Notes du President | George Duguay | y2004 | v12 | i3 | Fall | p44 |
Les Anges et la Nouvelle Race | Geoffrey Hodson | y2004 | v12 | i3 | Fall | p45 |
Le Pseudo Occultisme de Mme Alice Bailey | Alice Leighton Cleather et Basil Crump | y2004 | v12 | i3 | Fall | p52 |
Lettre No XXIII b (2) du Mahatma | KH | y2004 | v12 | i3 | Fall | p59 |
Editor's Note | Suzanne Hassanein | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p2 |
President's Column | George Duguay | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p3 |
Report from the Theosophical Order of Service in Canada | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p5 |
As One Grows Older | Geoffrey Farthing | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p8 |
Daily Life as Spiritual Practice | Ravi Ravindra | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p12 |
The Right Angle - Masonry | HP Blavatsky, comp by Geoffrey Farthing | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p15 |
Ways of Changing the World | Hugh Shearman | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p20 |
Two Views of Nature | Frank Visser | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p22 |
Devotion | Isabel Cooper-Oakley | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p26 |
Reincarnation or Transmigration? - A Comparative Study | Richard Brooks | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p30 |
The World-Mystery - The World-Soul | GRS Mead | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p35 |
Review: 'Sacred Trees: Spirituality, Wisdom and Well-Being' by Nathaniel Altman | Jay G Williams | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p38 |
Review: 'The Power of Partnership: Seven Relationships That Will Change Your Life' by Riane Eisler | David Bishop | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p38 |
Review: 'Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization' ed Ramakrishna Puligandla and David Lee Miller | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p39 |
Review: 'From the Ashes of Angels: The Forbidden Legacy of a Fallen Race' by Andrew Collins | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p39 |
Review: 'The Buddha' by Karen Armstrong | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p39 |
Review: 'The Oneness/Otherness Mystery: The Synthesis of Science and Mysticism' by Sutapas Bhattacharya | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p39 |
Review: 'Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion' by Stephen P Huyler | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p40 |
Review: 'Born in Lhasa: The Autobiography of Namgyal Lhamo Taklha' by Namgyal Lhamo Taklha | Daniel Ross Chandler | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p40 |
Review: 'The Last Barrier: A Journey through the World of Sufi Teaching' by Reshad Field | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p40 |
Review: 'Art Treasures of the Mahabharata' by Bhaktisiddhanta | anon | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p40 |
Notes du President | George Duguay | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p41 |
Comment Etudier la Theosophie | Robert Bowen, HP Blavatsky | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p42 |
Le Travail d'une Branche | IK Taimni | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p48 |
Les Marches d'Or | John Algeo | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p55 |
Le Travail du Theosophe | Radha Burnier | y2004 | v12 | i4 | Winter | p58 |
Editor's Note | Suzanne Hassanein | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p2 |
President's Column | George H Duguay | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p3 |
Our Savage Civilization | Radha Burnier | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p6 |
Some Background on HP Blavatsky | anon | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p11 |
The Eternal Woman [reprint Theosophy in New Zealand 1946] | Geoffrey Hodson | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p13 |
Man and Nature | Edith Schlosser | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p17 |
A Stroll in the Field of Theosophy | Hugh Dixon | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p21 |
A Balancing Act | Bev Champion | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p24 |
The World Mystery - The World Soul (2) [reprint Lucifer 1895] | GRS Mead | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p32 |
review: 'Rumi: Gazing at the Beloved' by Will Johnson | David Bishop | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p38 |
review: 'A Secret History of Consciousness' by Gary Lachman | Robert Ellwood | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p38 |
review: 'Sake and Satori: Asian Journals - Japan' by Joseph Campbell | Paul Wine | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p39 |
review: 'Kabbalistic Meditations on the Tarot' by Stephan A Hoeller | Lee Irwin | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p40 |
review: 'Drawing from the Heart' Barbara Ganim | Joan Borysenko | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p40 |
Notes du President | Geo Duguay | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p41 |
Introduction a la theosophie | Adelaide Gardner | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p43 |
L'Occultism compare aux Arts Occultes | HP Blavatsky | y2005 | v13 | i1 | Spring | p53 |