(45) Pearls from Sages | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p283 |
The Dream of Ravan (1) | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p286 |
Plutarch's Yogi (from the Moralia in "Concerning the Cessation of Oracles") | GRS Mead | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p295 |
Some Postulates of Theosophy | HAW Coryn | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p297 |
An Outline of the "Secret Doctrine" (3) | CJ | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p300 |
In Confirmation of the "Secret Doctrine" - an underground city | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p306 |
Karma & Reincarnation as Applied to Man (3) | Rama Prasad | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p307 |
(vf) (the city of Dreadful Night) | Thomson | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p313 |
The Seven Principles of Man (5) | Annie Besant | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p314 |
Theosophy as it presents itself to an Outside Student | PN Patankar | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p321 |
The Effects of Indian Hemp (2) | HC Wood | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p324 |
The Septenary in Nature (1) | William Kingsland | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p326 |
Guesses at Truth (II) Fohat | Robert B Holt | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p331 |
correspondence - The True Church of Christ | JW Brodie Innes | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p335 |
correspondence - The Instability of the "Word" | Logical | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p336 |
review - The Mystic Quest by William Kingsland | ICO (? Isabel Cooper-Oakley) | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p337 |
review - Das Dasein, als Lust, Leid und Leibe (Existence as Pleasure, Pain & Love) by W Hubbe-Schleiden | EK | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p338 |
review - The Imitation of Buddha by Ernest M Bowden | ALC | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p340 |
review - Intima Sacra, Manual of Esoteric Devotion by Anna Kingsford (ed by EM Forsyth) | WRO | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p342 |
review - What is Theosophy? by Walter R Old | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p342 |
Theosophical Activities | various | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p344 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p349 |
Our Budget | Annie Besant | y1891 | v9 | - | December | p352 |
The Time is Short | anon | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p353 |
A Bewitched Life (3-5) (rprnt 'Theosophist') | anon (HPB) (Aug, Sept 1885) | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p358 |
Universal Law | William Main | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p368 |
The Septenary in Nature (2) | William Kingsland | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p373 |
Karma & Reincarnation as Applied to Man (4) | Rama Prasad | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p377 |
The Dream of Ravan (2) | anon | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p385 |
From a Theosophist's Diary | Algernon Blackwood | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p390 |
The Western Theosophy & the Duality of Being | Edward Maitland | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p396 |
Dhyana | H Dhammapala | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p401 |
Theosophy & Psychical Research (1) | William Kingsland | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p407 |
An Outline of the "Secret Doctrine" (4) | CJ | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p411 |
A Visit to Sholinghur | Sydney V Edge | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p414 |
Fragments from an Indian Note Book (4) | KP Mukerji | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p417 |
To the Old Year (vf) | S. | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p422 |
correspondence - The Mattei Electro-Homoeopathic Treatment | HT Edge | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p423 |
correspondence - Thomas Lake Harris (1823-1906) | CW Pearce | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p423 |
reply to CW Pearce | Annie Besant | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p424 |
review - Letters that have helped me by Jasper Niemand (pseudonym Julia Keightley) | anon | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p425 |
review - Further Evolution by Neil Gordon Munro | WRO | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p426 |
review - The Mahâbhârata - anon - tr Protapa Chandra Roy | anon | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p427 |
review - Oracles of Nostradamus by Charles A. Ward | WRO | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p427 |
Theosophical Activities - Indian Letter | Sydney V Edge | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p430 |
Ceylon Letter | Sinhala Putra | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p432 |
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - various | anon | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p436 |
Our Budget | various | y1892 | v9 | - | January | p440 |
Theosophy & the Theosophical Society (re Rev GW Allen) | anon | y1892 | v9 | - | February | p441 |
A Bewitched Life (6-8) (rprnt 'Theosophist') | HPB (Aug, Sept 1885) | y1892 | v9 | - | February | p449 |