The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


The Religious Basis of Theosophy (2)Charlotte E Woodsy1892v11-Decemberp301
AlchemyW Mainy1892v11-Decemberp311
On the Infinite Universe & Worlds (1) (tr into English for the first time by WR Old)Giordano Brunoy1892v11-Decemberp314
Father John of KronstadtNadejday1892v11-Decemberp322
Gleams from the Dawn-Land - The Peaks of AtlantisCJy1892v11-Decemberp330
correspondence - A Message to EarthEdward Maitlandy1892v11-Decemberp332
review - True Church of Christ by JW Brodie-Innesanony1892v11-Decemberp332
review - Le Secret de L'Absolu by EJ Coulombanony1892v11-Decemberp333
Theosophical Activities - Indian LetterSVEy1892v11-Decemberp334
To the Convention of the Indian Section of the Theosophical SocietyGRS Meady1892v11-Decemberp335
Ceylon LetterSinhala Putray1892v11-Decemberp338
Sangamitta Girls' School, ColomboMarie Musaeus Higgins (? - ?1926)y1892v11-Decemberp338
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1892v11-Decemberp346
Our BudgetEmily Kislingburyy1892v11-Decemberp352
On the Watch-TowerHerbert Burrowsy1893v11-Januaryp353
SvargaKP Mukerjiy1893v11-Januaryp360
The Vestures of the Soul (1)GRS Meady1893v11-Januaryp361
The Balance of LifeT Williamsy1893v11-Januaryp367
Shatchakra, or, the Six Plexuses in the Human BodyRai BK Laheriy1893v11-Januaryp371
Agrippa & the Wandering Jew (from the Chronicles of Cartaphilus)(Cartaphilus)y1893v11-Januaryp377
Mind, Thought & Cerebration (rprnt 'Theosophist')Alexander Wilder (Oct 1882 & Jan 1883)y1893v11-Januaryp382
On the Infinite Universe & Worlds (2)Giordano Brunoy1893v11-Januaryp393
obituary - Nostimon Hemar - Mary Gebhard (... - 1892)anony1893v11-Januaryp398
Andarze Atrepat. A Study in Zoroastrian EthicsD.y1893v11-Januaryp399
Linguistic Following Doctrinal Change (1)Henry Pratty1893v11-Januaryp407
Gleams from the Dawn-LandCJy1893v11-Januaryp413
The Destiny of ManNishi Ranta Chattopadhyayay1893v11-Januaryp416
This is Enough to KnowMenasy1893v11-Januaryp419
correspondence - The Indian DiscusC Carter Blakey1893v11-Januaryp423
review - The Golden Stairs by Arthur Edward WaiteRHr (RH) (Reginald Hodder)y1893v11-Januaryp423
review - The Marriage of the Soul & Other Poems by W Scott-ElliotEKy1893v11-Januaryp423
review - Sheol vs Hades by SF PellsEKy1893v11-Januaryp424
review - The Seven Deadly Sins (vf) by Robert HamerlingEKy1893v11-Januaryp424
review - Fiat Lux by "Philosophus"EKy1893v11-Januaryp425
review - Animals' Rights by Henry S SaltWROy1893v11-Januaryp426
Theosophical Activities - Indian Section - Colonel Olcott's Buddhist touranony1893v11-Januaryp427
Indian LetterSVEy1893v11-Januaryp428
obituary - R Sundaresa Shastri (... - 1892)SVEy1893v11-Januaryp429
Ceylon LetterSinhala Putray1893v11-Januaryp429
Our Budgetvariousy1893v11-Januaryp434
Theosophical & Mystic Publications - variousanony1893v11-Januaryp435
On the Watch-TowerHerbert Burrowsy1893v11-Februaryp441
Notes on the Gospel According to John (1) (as presented by HPB)GRS Mead (HPB)y1893v11-Februaryp449
Friedrich Froebel the Mystic, & his Educational Theories (FWA Froebel 1782-1852)Sarah Corbetty1893v11-Februaryp457
The Vestures of the Soul (2)GRS Meady1893v11-Februaryp462
The Foundation of Christian Mysticism (1) (acc to Master Eckhart)Franz Hartmanny1893v11-Februaryp467
Scraps from a Hindu Notebook (1)KP Mukerjiy1893v11-Februaryp477
Linguistic Following Doctrinal Change (2)Henry Pratty1893v11-Februaryp480
The ZunisFrank Hamilton Cushingy1893v11-Februaryp486
Showing 1701 to 1750 of 2866 entries