From the National President | A P Warrington | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p238 |
From the National Secretary | anon | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p243 |
National Publicity Department | Ray M Wardall, Cora E Zemlock | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p246 |
Social Reconstruction | Robert Walton, W Scott Lewis | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p248 |
Election of National President | anon | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p249 |
If the Master Comes (vf) | Robert R Logan | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p250 |
Krotona Institute: Winter Session, 1919 | anon | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p251 |
Among the Magazines | various | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p252 |
review: 'The Spirit of the Unicorn' by Two Workers | APW | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p254 |
review: 'Healing Yourself' by Christian D Larson | anon | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p254 |
review: 'Mail from the Continent of Death' by F A Fuller | MP | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p255 |
review: 'Gems of Mysticism' by Frederick K Davis | anon | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p255 |
review: 'Realms of the Living Dead' by Harriette Agusta and F Homer Curtiss | HMS | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p255 |
Pamphlet review: 'Letters to an Aspirant' | GJW | y1919 | v6 | i8 | January | p255 |
The World's Recognition of Dharma | Weller Van Hook | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p257 |
Allons (vf) | Walt Whitman | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p258 |
Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, Viscount St Alban (7) | Ernest Francis Udny | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p259 |
Ideals (6), The Christian Ideal | Anna M De Boer | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p262 |
Who Is Julius Caesar? | J Henry Orme | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p263 |
Some Karmic Aspects of the Great War (3) | Aimee Blech | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p265 |
Notes from Krotona Laboratory | Frederick Finch Strong | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p266 |
TS Notes | anon | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p268 |
From the National President | A P Warrington | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p270 |
From the National Secretary | Craig P Garman | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p274 |
National Publicity Department | Ray M Wardall, Cora E Zemlock | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p277 |
War Work | Laura Slavens Wood | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p279 |
Election of National President | anon | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p281 |
Board of Trustees | Craig P Garman | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p283 |
Among the Magazines | various | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p284 |
review: 'The Betrothal' by Maurice Maeterlinck | HMS | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p286 |
review: 'The Pawns of Fate' by Paul E Bowers | CNR | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p286 |
review: ' Find Yourself' by Melanie Van Gelder, trans by Annie Keen | HMS | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p286 |
TPH Book Notes | anon | y1919 | v6 | i9 | February | p287 |
The Work of the Theosophist Today [reprint New India 1918] | Annie Besant | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p289 |
Life's Journey (vf) | Anna M De Boer | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p293 |
After Death | Ella Wheeler Wilcox | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p294 |
Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, Viscount St Alban (8) | Ernest Francis Udny | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p297 |
School of the Open Gate | Georgina Jones Walton | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p299 |
letter - From Brisbane, Australia | L W Rogers | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p300 |
Oh, House of My God (vf) | Charlotte De Borde Burgess | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p301 |
Theosophists and Social Reconstruction | W Scott Lewis | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p302 |
From the National President | A P Warrington | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p303 |
From the National Secretary | anon | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p307 |
National Publicity Department | Ray M Wardall, Cora E Zemlock | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p310 |
War Work | anon | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p313 |
The American Section, T S: Organization | anon | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p314 |
Letter | Robert Walton | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p314 |
Among the Magazines | various | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p315 |
review: 'Perronik, The Simple Hearted' by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie | MHD | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p318 |
review: 'The Quest of the Face' by Stephen Graham | HMS | y1919 | v6 | i10 | March | p318 |