review - Go Forward - or, Success is for You - anon | J Arthur Hill | y1910 | v11 | - | February | p119 |
review - Extracts from the Spiritual Guide of Miguel de Molinos ed by RY Lyan | Arthur Edward Waite | y1910 | v11 | - | February | p120 |
Notes of the Month - alleged spirit photographs | The Editor | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p121 |
The Llanarthney Phenomena | Reginald B Span | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p128 |
illustration - Mr Meredith & Mary Wilkins (standing stiffly in front of the Emlyn Arms) | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p129 |
illustration - Police Station - Church - Emlyn Arms | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p131 |
illustration - Llanarthney Church | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p133 |
Andrew Jackson Davis | JB Shipley | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p136 |
illustration - Andrew Jackson Davis (wearing glasses) | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p137 |
Spirit Photography | J Arthur Hill & Editor | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p141 |
No 1 Mr Warren with (?) Spirit photograph of Mr Ground superposed | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p143 |
No 2 Mr Ground at the Age of eighteen - in uniform | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p144 |
No 3 Photograph showing same background as in No 1 | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p146 |
No 4 Family Group showing old lady's face looking out of window of empty room | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p148 |
Curious Forms of Worship (3)Baal Worshippers | AM Judd | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p149 |
Methods of Hypnotism | Michael West | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p154 |
The Haunted Villa - A True Story | C Milligan Fox | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p158 |
The Tent (vf) | Aleister Crowley | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p160 |
Ltte - Eusapia Palladino | Bianca Unorna | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p161 |
Ltte - A Curious Deathbed Phenomenon | Psycho | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p162 |
Ltte - Mr Andrew Jackson Davis | E Wake Cook | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p163 |
Ltte - Dentistry operation under Hypnotism instead of gas or chloroform | SG Jay | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p164 |
Ltte - Magnetic Healing by LH Edwards | MC | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p164 |
Ltte - Reincarnation of Animals? | H | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p165 |
Periodical Literature | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p166 |
review - Christianity at the Cross Roads by G Tyrrell | NA | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p169 |
review - Two Theban Queens by Colin Campbell | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p170 |
review - Judaism as Creed & Life by Morris Joseph | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p170 |
review - The Old & the New Magic by Henry Ridgeley Evans | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p171 |
review - The Classification of Religions by Duren JH Ward | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p171 |
review - The Message of Philo Judaeus by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p172 |
review - The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham Abbey by Valerian Paget | J Arthur Hill | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p172 |
review - Chronicles of Cloister & Cave by LM Dalton | S. | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p173 |
review - The Wisdom of Plotinus by Charles J Whitby | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p173 |
review - The Physics of the Secret Doctrine by William Kingsland | HJS | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p174 |
review - Space & Spirit by RA Kennedy | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p175 |
review - Mutual Recognition in the Life Beyond by HHT Cleiffe | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p175 |
review - Nature's Help to Happiness by John Warren Achorn | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p176 |
review - The World Real but Invisible by Axiel | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | March | p176 |
Notes of the Month - Did Christianity Antedate Christ? | The Editor | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p177 |
An Evening with Daniel Dunglas Home | FG Montagu Powell | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p185 |
Automatic Drawing | Scrutator | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p189 |
illustration - Corpus Striatum, Cerebellum, Cerebrum, Medula | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p190 |
illustration - 3 examples of Automatic Drawings | ("Menthes") | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p192 |
illustration - Another illustration by "Menthes" | Menthes | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p193 |
Spinoza (God, Man & His Well-Being) | Bernard O'Neill | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p195 |
illustration - statue of Spinoza at the Hague (outside, fenced) | anon | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p197 |
Thought Phantasms | Reginald B Span | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p206 |
Ltte - The Maniac | WJ Inskip | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p216 |
Ltte - | Isabel Maxwell | y1910 | v11 | - | April | p217 |